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Deaton helps Scott clean out the wounds he got from the fight with Derek in the last episode. There's a dead man lying on the table with claw wounds raked down his body. Deaton tells Scott about a book sounding like a supernatural encyclopedia before Chris Argent, Gerard Argent, and another hunter walk into the vet's office. Scott is hidden away in a closet as Deaton explains his theory about how the man was killed. Some monster paralyzed the man with venom to the neck before killing him with his claws. Deaton says he has no clue what killed him, but gives some characteristics, stating that the hunters should "be afraid, very afraid."

Stiles is at Armor Tire where he argues with the mechanic, Tucker Cornish. All he needed was a starter, but the mechanic tells him he needs a lot more work done. Originally he tells him $1200, then ups it to $1500 when Stiles argues. Stiles storms off and gets his hand covered in a mysterious slime as he opens the door, and within seconds he loses motor control in his hand. At that point he notices claws on one of the lifts and tries to yell out, but he cannot be heard and the monster appears, cutting the mechanic in the back of the neck with its tail. Stiles falls to the ground as the venom moves throughout his veins and the monster triggers the lift with Stiles's Jeep on it. Stiles struggles to get to his phone and dial 911 as the lift continues until it eventually traps the mechanic under it, killing him. The monster appears and roars at Stiles before disappearing.

Allison checks her window to see that Scott wants to meet up at nine o'clock. Just as she's about to leave Gerard shows up, wanting to know what she's doing. Gerard forces her to stay and talk to him, and Scott is shown at the meet up point, waiting as nine o'clock comes and goes. Gerard drops a book and Allison picks it up for him before taking his pills. He uses this as a segue to talk about trust. She insists that Gerard can trust her.

Stiles is giving his father the edited version of the story of what happened at the mechanic's shop as the emergency services clean up and seal the scene. The Sheriff is convinced that Stiles isn't telling him something, but Stiles holds his ground.

Allison arrives at the lookout rock late and sees a message from Scott saying that he couldn't wait and he missed her. Scott has left to pick up Stiles from the mechanic's shop since his Jeep is being detained by the police department as evidence. Stiles tells Scott that the monster seemed reptilian, not like werewolves. Stiles mentions to Scott he thinks it knew him.

Isaac, Erica, and Derek are training. Although the gymnastics are pretty, both Isaac and Erica continually get slammed into the ground by Derek, who isn't impressed with them by any means. Boyd watches with concern. Frustrated, Derek asks if any of them will do anything that isn't completely predictable and Erica gets up and kisses him aggressively in response. Derek plays along for a few seconds before throwing her to the ground. Isaac whines about needing to heal and Derek turns snaps his forearm knowing that it will heal eventually before launching into a speech about how the betas need to learn everything he knows ASAP with new threats in Beacon Hills.

Lydia's mom walks into Lydia's bedroom to wake her up and pulls up the covers which are soaked in blood. Her mother is worried and asks what happened, but Lydia doesn't seem to know. The mirror is also shattered.

Lydia is sitting outside the counselor's office with an unfamiliar boy who asks here about why she's there. She gives him a snarky response, which he responds to by calling her cute.

Stiles and Scott sit on the stairs where Stiles is delivering a message from Allison that she's super sorry about missing him, and loves him, and is coming to the game. Scott tells Stiles about the supernatural encyclopedia that Deaton mentioned, and Stiles gives it a name, the bestiary.

In the counselor's office, Lydia asks what qualifies Ms. Morell to be a guidance counselor when she's a French teacher who isn't even French, and Morell responds that she has a Masters in Behavioral Psychology and she's done over three hundred hours of field work. Lydia responds with, "C'est pas bien" which roughly translates to "That's not good enough." Morell asks why she's even there if she's fine, and Lydia says she's only there to appease her parents. We see the mysterious boy from before watching her from the hall. They also talk about her friends before the session closes. Lydia comes up with the phrase "Because the ones closest to you can also be the ones holding you back the most," although she doesn't know where she heard it.

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