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Somewhere in the Preserve, a young couple are living in a trailer. The wife is angry that this is what they have been reduced to, and her husband, Sean, insists that just because they're living in a trailer doesn't make them trailer park trash. They argue more, and the power in the trailer goes out. The man goes to look at the generator, exasperated. His wife starts to cry from feeling slightly terrified all the time, and he hugs her. Sean goes outside, and his wife hears something that worries her. Sean is outside arguing with someone. The hooded man points up toward a tree, and the kanima's tail suddenly snakes down and grabs Sean by the neck. The hooded man points toward the trailer, and the wife hurries to lock all possible ways in.

Sean is thrown through the trailer window, dead. His wife screams. And then his body is dragged back out. The kanima starts coming through the window. It hisses at her and looks at her pregnant belly, but ultimately lets her live.

Scott and Stiles talk to Allison on speaker phone. They are still wearing the same clothes from 2x06 - Frenemy, so it's the same day. Allison tells them that Jackson may not know he's being controlled. Stiles suggests that it could be a fugue state like when Lydia left the hospital.

Jackson would forget about the murders and getting rid of the blood. And we see Jackson showering blood from his body. They all agree that someone had to manipulate the video, and that must be who's controlling him. Stiles confirms that Jackson thinks he's becoming a Werewolf and that Lydia somehow affected his transformation. They decide to try to convince Jackson that he's not becoming a Werewolf because they think it will help them find out who's controlling him.

The Sheriff pulls Scott and Stiles into an interrogation room and reads out the restrictions of the restraining order Jackson's father has taken out against them. They cannot go within 50 feet of Jackson, speak to him, approach him, or assault him physically or psychologically. Melissa McCall and David Whittemore are in the room witnessing. The Sheriff drops the order to the table, and Stiles asks him what about school. They can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50 foot distance. Stiles asks what happens if they both have to use the bathroom and there are only two stalls and they're right next to each other, and the Sheriff glares at him while David Whittemore gets incensed at Stiles making a joke.

The Sheriff takes Stiles out into the hallway and reminds him that he's lucky Jackson isn't pressing charges. Stiles explains that it was all a joke and he didn't think it would be taken that seriously. The Sheriff asks him how he's supposed to interpret the humor of a stolen prison transport van. Stiles exclaims that they filled the tank.

Melissa leads Scott out and stops to tell him that she didn't think a restraining order was a low that he'd reach quite this soon. She counts off his bizarre behavior and the late nights coming home and having to beg Mr. Harris to let him make up a Chemistry test, and then tells him that he's grounded. He gets no TV (which is already broken) and no Stiles. Stiles starts to protest, but Melissa yells, and he backs off. She also takes Scott's car keys. She fumbles with trying to remove the key from the keyring and Scott eventually just puts his hands on hers to make her calm down.

She asks him what's going on with him and whether it's about Allison. Scott sighs and asks her if she really wants to know. Stiles is in the background shaking his head a thousand times no. Melissa asks if it's about Scott's dad, and Stiles nods. Melissa decides it must be that and they'll talk about it at home.

Scott declares himself the worst son ever, and Stiles says he isn't winning any prizes either. They watch as David Whittemore yells at Sheriff Stilinski for the way Stiles was mocking him earlier.

In the subway station, Isaac asks Derek why they need Scott and Stiles's help. "Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is." He thinks Scott and Stiles might, so he needs Erica or Isaac to start a friendship with one of them. Erica muses over which one. Derek doesn't care. Isaac points out that the full moon is coming. Derek is aware and opens up a trunk full of restraints. He pulls out chains and straps. Isaac says they were supposed to be learning to change whenever they wanted. Derek tells him that there hasn't been time. "But if you have to lock us up on the full moon, that means--that means you're alone against the Argents," Isaac says. Derek points out that they haven't found them, but Isaac thinks it's only a matter of time. He suggests forgetting about the kanima.

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