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Jackson and Danny are in the boys locker room without the lights on. Jackson tells Danny to add more weight to the bench press bar and then gets angry at him when Danny spots him. Jackson thinks he should be able to bench press twice the amount that's on there. "On the moon, maybe," Danny replies. He leaves, annoyed, and tells Jackson that if he finds him dead when he comes back from his shower he's taking the Porsche.

As he lays there, Jackson's senses start to sharpen, and he can hear water dropping and the turn of the fan blades better than he should be able to. He's not satisfied with that, though, and tries to lift the bar with too much weight. It goes right down to his chest, and he can't lift it. Erica appears over him and lifts the bar from his chest with one hand.

Erica delivers Jackson to Derek in the subway tunnel. She and Isaac hold him, while Derek asks him what happened to him on the night of the full moon. Jackson claims nothing happened, but Derek can tell he's lying. Derek starts to put on a black leather glove, and Jackson freaks out a little. He tells him that he can prove it and says that he taped himself. Derek and Isaac find this amusing. Jackson makes fun of Isaac for having an existential crisis and says the he was preparing for the gift Derek promised. He tells him he'll get the video, even though he knows that the video is missing two hours of footage.

Derek picks up the piece of broken mirror that Scott used against the kanima and claims that he has a better idea. "You know, Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake. And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom." Derek then tips the glass toward Jackson's mouth. Erica and Isaac hold his jaw open, so he swallows a drop of the kanima toxin. The effect is immediate, and Derek is clearly disappointed that Jackson passed the test.

While Jackson is on the floor, unable to move, Isaac comes over and crouches in front of him. "You're still gonna have to do one more thing for us. Well, actually, for me."

Isaac makes Jackson go to Sheriff Stilinski and retract his statement about seeing them argue before Mr. Lahey was killed. The Sheriff asks him if he saw a fight, and Jackson tells him, "Not exactly." The Sheriff explains that in law enforcement there's a very large divide between "not exactly" and "no." "Like if Not Exactly were sitting in this chair, then No would be somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean drowning next to my career."

Stiles comes running into class to tell Scott that he has real terrible horrible very very bad news. Scott motions to Isaac sitting a few desks away. "I think I already know." Isaac looks smug, while Scott and Stiles look stressed. After class, Stiles reports that the only thing he could find about a kanima was that it was a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers. Scott points out that the thing they saw was not a were-jaguar. Stiles points out that he is not a murderer. Scott waxes on how it'll probably keep coming after Stiles until he's dead, much to Stiles's dismay.

Danny tells Jackson that he found a program that could recover the erased data from his video. He says he'll run it during their free period that afternoon. Jackson then overhears Erica talking to Isaac, confirming that Derek wants something done during Chemistry class. Isaac advocates just killing their target, while Erica says she's going to test her first.

In Economics class at 1:45, Jackson sits near Scott and Stiles. "Hey, testicle left and right, what the hell is a kanima?" The boys turn around, but before they can say anything Coach Finstock announces that some of them might want to form study groups for tomorrow's midterm.

Jackson tells Scott and Stiles that Derek tested him to see if he was the kanima. Stiles then asks if they think it's Lydia. Jackson isn't sure, he just heard her name and something about Chemistry. Coach Finstock shouts at Jackson and asks if he has something he'd like to share with the rest of the class. Jackson compliments the Coach, and Finstock yells at him to shut it.

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