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In a flashback, we see the exchange between Jackson and Matt where Matt loans him his camera. Only this time, we see Matt go to his car and call up a U-stream app on his phone. It connects to the camera he just gave Jackson. As Jackson falls asleep, Matt sits back and watches. He starts to fall asleep himself but wakes up in time to see Jackson sit up with glowing eyes. He watches Jackson's transformation into the kanima and then hears something approaching his car. In his side view mirror, he sees the kanima coming around the car.

The kanima starts to lift its hand, and Matt places his hand on the window to match it. They share the memory of Mr. Lahey's murder, which means that Jackson has already previously transformed.

Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles, and Scott meet to talk about Scott's discovery that Matt is the kanima's master. The Sheriff doesn't believe that Matt's the killer. Stiles argues that everyone knows how the police attempt to track down murderers, so all Matt had to do was track down which class all his victims had in common. His dad points out that Kara wasn't in Harris's class, which they both already knew. Scott confirms that they know it's Matt without being able to say why. Stiles says that Matt stole Harris's car and purposefully left evidence to set him up. The Sheriff asks them for motive.

"Isn't it obvious! Our swim team sucks! They haven't won in like six years. Okay, we don't have a motive yet." But then neither does Harris. The Sheriff asks the boys what they'd like him to do. Scott says they need to look at the evidence, and the Sheriff tells him that it's in the station where he no longer works. "Trust me, they'll let you in," Stiles tells him. His dad is incredulous that he would suggest he is trustworthy, so Stiles points over his shoulder. "Trust Scott?" The Sheriff agrees to trust Scott.

They head to the sheriff station at 2am. Stiles tells Scott that they need to start by looking at the hospital murder, which is the only one not committed by the kanima. An officer lets the Sheriff into the office. They start looking through the hospital security camera footage. Scott thinks he sees something and asks the Sheriff to scroll back. Stiles recognizes the back of Matt's head because he sits behind him in history. "Look at his jacket. How many people do you know who wear black leather jackets?" "Millions. Literally." Scott asks him to scroll forward, and they see Matt talking to Melissa McCall.

Scott calls him mom, and they ask her if she remembers Matt. She tells him that she talks to a lot of people, so they send her Matt's yearbook photo. She says that she remembers Matt because he was tracking mud in the hall. The Sheriff pulls out a file. They have footprints from the trailer site, and if they match that puts Matt at the trailer, the hospital, and the rave. The Sheriff corrects him. There's a credit card receipt for an oil change signed by Matt at the Armor Tire a couple of hours before Stiles arrived. The Sheriff says that four is enough for a warrant. He has Scott call his mom back and ask her to come to the station.

Stiles heads out to the front desk to tell them to let Melissa in when she arrives, but there's no one there. He finds the woman at the desk dead on the floor. Her gun is missing. Stiles turns around, and Matt has the gun pointed at his face.

Derek is in a white place. Someone calls his name, but it's fuzzy. "We don't have much time," the voice says. There's a piercing sound, and then Derek blinks awake. Dr. Deaton is kneeling over him. Derek asks what the sound was, and Deaton holds up a dog whistle, grinning. Derek smirks and tries to stand, but he stumbles. Deaton catches him and tells him that he's going to be weak for a few hours. Derek flashes back to Peter coming back to life and realizes it wasn't a dream. Deaton tells him that he's still an alpha, "but, as usual, not a particularly competent one." Derek lets the insult go and asks where Peter is. Deaton doesn't know. Derek demands to know why Deaton is helping him. "Helping your family actually used to be a pretty important part of my life. Helping you was a promise I made to your mother." Derek backs off and says that Laura told him there was a sort of advisor to their family.

Teen Wolf Season 2Where stories live. Discover now