Chapter 5

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I was huddled with my stuffed animal Benny, the elephant. I had him clutched to my chest under a small table that my mother had in the middle of her living room, one of the many rooms I wasn't supposed to go in unless I was helping her.

She was screaming at me for my latest stunt in the series of things I couldn't explain to her at all! I had broken one of her lamps that used to be on the table that I was under right now. She didn't even like that lamp so I was wondering why she was so mad about me breaking it, well I did know but I wished I was wrong. I wished that most of the time because when this was the case I tended to be hit a lot following it.

She was mad because I had done yet another thing that I couldn't explain. She somehow linked this to my father, how I didn't know but she started yelling about how I was a monster just like he was. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, but while she was in this kind of mood I didn't even think about asking her.

She came over to where I was her face red as a tomato from yelling so much and knocked over the small wooden table I was under so that I was out in the open just sitting there on the floor of her living room.

Then she raised her right hand. I flinched back and got ready for my latest beating supplied by my latest stunt. Since my 10th birthday four days ago the number of stunts I did had grown at an increasingly high rate.

I was scared though because the more stunts I performed the more beatings there were. They would all be the same. She would get really mad at me and then say that I was a monster like my father and start screaming nonsense about my father.

Then she would start yelling at me that she didn't know what she was doing when she married him. And that now she had a corrupted daughter, namely me.

Then she said that one day when I was older I would go where he went and learn all the horrible things. I had no clue what she was talking about and I still didn't

Then she hit me over and over again until my entire body was covered in bumps and bruises with black and blue marks around my eyes and other places.

She had never gone on this long hitting me and I was hurting more than I ever had before.

After she looked like she was slowing down she dragged me downstairs into the basement and tied me to a chair. She barely ever did this and when she did I knew what comeing was and I knew it was going to hurt a lot.

She had my mouth covered with ductape and had a sock in my mouth and my hands were tied tightly behind me ot the chair within minutes.

She turned to the closet in the wall on the other side of the room and went over to it and took out the knife that I had been expecting.

Slowly she walked over to me with the knife clenched in her hand. She put it right under my neck and dragged it against my skin. She repeated this process several times all over my body as I tried to call out in pain but couldn't because of the gag.

She kept going for ten minutes and then she went up the stairs again and turned off the lights and left me there for probably a few days or so, just like last time

I fell asleep in my dream just as I was waking up in real life.

As I woke up I screamed as if I could still feel the knife running over my body. That was the worst beating I had ever gotten. It was nearly a year since then; I would be turning 11 in about a week. I immediately felt bad about screaming because I probably had woken up Severus.

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