Chapter 8

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It was late in the evening when Severus called across the room, "Jessica I'm done with my potions do you want something to eat?"

I looked up from my book and said, "Sure, what do you want?"

I got down from my stool ready to cook dinner when he laughed and said, "Well what do you want?"

I shrugged and said, "I don't know I'll figure it out while I cook yours."

"That isn't necessary. I can whip something up in a few seconds. What do you want? I was thinking of steak I think I have some in the freezer."

"Steak sounds delicious," I said tucking the book under my arm.

He went up the stairs and I followed him down the hall to the kitchen. He took out his wand and with a few words the steak flew out onto the stove and began to cook itself. A side of mashed potatoes were stirring themselves. I stood there in shock looking at the miracle in front of me as the dinner was made by itself in less than 5 minutes.

Severus was sitting at the table reading the paper completely unfazed by what was going on. I knew he experienced it every day but how did it not amaze him every time he saw it. I sighed and took at seat across from him as the table set itself and put the food on our plates.

When he saw the meal was in front of him Severus put down the paper and I swear the people on the cover moved. He started to cut into his steak. I cut into mine keeping an eye on the newspaper which I was now convinced was playing a trick on my eyes.

I asked, "Are the people on that newspaper moving?"

He glanced over at the newspaper and said, "Yes they are. All pictures in the wizarding world move on their own."

With a newfound interest I looked back at the heading that read Daily Prophet. The person in the picture turned his head to me and then left the picture. I gasped out loud my eyes widening.

Severus looked up and said, "What's wrong?"

"The picture. The man is gone."

"Ah yes. I forgot to mention that the people in wizarding pictures can also move from picture to picture without a problem."

I nodded then went back to eating my meal.

When I was almost done with my meal a loud tapping at the window over the sink got my attention.

"What was that?" I asked Severus.

"Your owl. Minerva certainly got them out nice and early this year. It's only August 5th."

He stood up and went to the window and let in a beautiful large owl with brown feathers and two small horns. It dropped a white letter with a red seal on the kitchen counter and Severus put some coins in the pouch around its leg. It flew off and Severus picked up the letter and handed it to me.

On the front it read

Miss Jessica Wallwirt

Number 15 Spinners End


Hurriedly I tore it open careful to not rip the seal on the back of the letter. I read over the note which said that I had been accepted into Hogwarts and was to start school on September 1st. It included a list of my school supplies and reminded students that they could bring an owl, toad, or rat. It reminded students that first years would not be able to bring a broom to Hogwarts.

I handed it to Seveurs who looked it over. He was soon done with it and handed it back to me.

"Well we will go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get your things. I hope that not that many people are there."

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