Chapter 45

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The two of them left and I went out into the other part of the Great Hall. I took down the sound barrier and walked over to Hermione, Ron, harry and Blake who were saying quick goodbyes to a few people.

Two 1st year Ravenclaw girls who I had several classes with came up to me as I made my way over.

The brunette on the right smiled and said, "Hey Jessica. Thanks so much for agreeing to start this club. I know you didn't teach me today because you were doing harder spells but still thanks."

The other girl said, "Yeah thanks. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot even though I still couldn't get the spell right. I'm going to practice so I can scare people."

I laughed, "Sounds awesome. Thanks for coming."

"Yeah well bye," the girl on the right said.

"Bye," I replied.

I walked past them to my friends as they were finishing up thanking Neville and Dean for coming.

"Hey guys. This went pretty well if you ask me. What do you think?"

Hermione said, "I think it went really well. Most of the kids said they were planning on coming next time and the rest of them I just never got to talk to."

"Yeah everyone seemed to have a lot of fun," Harry chimed in.

I turned to Blake, "From a student's point of view, how was it? Or how could it be better?"

He said, "Well groups would help. It would make it a little more individualized and everyone would probably learn more. If you each had a group like Jessica did today I think that would be more efficient."

The three of us nodded and I said, "Yeah we were thinking about doing that too."

"It would help for sure," Ron said, "It was utter chaos today."

I laughed, "Yeah it seemed pretty hectic. But as long as everyone was doing the spell they can do it however they want."

Blake said, "For the groups I was thinking you might want to split it up by skill level. That way the higher the skill level the harder the spells you can do and the faster you guys can move. Like Jessica took the very advanced people today maybe you split it up into like 1st, 2nd years, 3rd and 4th years, 5th and 6th, then have a group for 7th years and anyone else who think they can do harder spells."

I nodded, "That's a good idea but we can talk about that tomorrow. Right now I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed."

"Don't we have to clean up?" asked Ron.

I waved my hand and all the mess disappeared, "There. We cleaned up."

He smiled, "It's helpful when you have a friend that can do anything with just a wave of their hand."

I blushed and laughed, "Okay let's go drop off Blake then we can go up to the Gryffindor common room," I said.

"I don't need you to drop me off, I'll be fine," Blake argued.

I laughed, "Severus would kill me if I let you go by yourself. Come on."

The five of us walked down to the dungeons then Blake and I lead the way to the Slytherin common room.

"Bye guys," he said,

"Bye," muttered Ron Harry and Hermione.

"Be careful sneaking back in. See you tomorrow," I told him.

He nodded and the four of us went up to the Gryffindor common room.

"Goodnight guys," I told Harry and Ron.

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