Chapter 47

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"What's so funny?" I accused.

He shook his head, "Nothing really. Just the fact that you decided the prank would be to make my room pink. It's actually pretty funny. Alright but will you help me turn it normal again? I don't really have anything else you could do."

I shrugged, "Sure I'll go change your office back while you work on the classroom."

He said, "Thank you for helping out tonight Jessica."

I shrugged, "It was no problem."

Once we were done changing his room back to normal it was only 8:00.

I sat down and sighed, "You know, on a normal day I wouldn't mind staying here but I have my first match tomorrow and I'm going to be tired as it is because I know I'm not going to get much sleep."

"You could take a nap down here if you want. I'll wake you up at around 11 to send you back up to the Gryffindor tower."

I shook my head, "No I won't be able to sleep down here at all. Do you have anything you need help grading or something?"

He sighed and sat down beside me, "Actually yes. My 4th year classes did 15 inches on Amortentia a couple days ago. Do you mind?"

I held my hand out, "Nah not really."

So until 10:30 we worked on grading papers together. We made conversation along the way but for the most part it was quiet, just the way we both like it.

Once it was that time we said goodbye and I went up to the Gryffindor tower. As I had expected Harry Ron and Hermione were waiting for me. They were talking in hushed whispers but became silent as I walked up to them. I figured they were talking about Severus and I was glad they were. If it was what Dumbledore wanted to happen then I was glad it was happening.

"What happened?" Harry asked as soon as I came over to them

I shrugged and said, "Well he brought me up to Dumbledore's office. He told him what happened so now I have detention every Sunday night with both of them. After that I had to go down to his office and help change everything back to normal colors. I got off pretty easy honestly."

Hermione said, "Well that's good at least. We would've taken some of the blame though."

I shook my head, "Nah it's cool. I think it would've been worse if there was more of it. Well honestly I'm exhausted and I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight because of worrying and stress and whatnot so I'm going to go to bed."

She nodded and said, "Okay goodnight. The three of us are going to stay down here and talk for a bit then I'll be up."

I nodded and went up to our dormitory. I was smiling because I knew they were talking about Severus and Fluffy.

Once up in my dormitory I reluctantly cast a spell to let me listen in on their conversation. I wanted to get to sleep but I knew this was more important.

Their voices were muffled because of the spell but I could tell what they were saying.

"I think Snape's trying to steal the stone. That's why there was a bite on his leg, he went to try and steal the stone but the dog bit him." Harry said.

"And did you hear him muttering about Quirell? I think Professor Quirell somehow tried to stop him, but I don't know how he would be able to," Hermione added.

Ron chimed in, "So that stone is safe as long as Quirell stands up to Snape?" he laughed, "I give it a day."

Harry replied, his voice barely above a whisper, "I think we need to tell Dumbledore. I'm sure he can do something about it."

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