Chapter 11.

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A/N: I have a twitter by the way; it is @thebradfestclub you can follow me there for sneak peeks on the story and just to talk to me and stuff. I’m pretty cool too so it would be an asset to your timeline. (; Just joking. Anyways, please enjoy this next chapter of Love Has Never Been Easy.

Ps. I apologize for the spelling error in the title, I noticed it a couple days ago and edited it. I know its Bradley and not Bradly, okay? Okay.

Love you all, and thank you for your love and support so far.

Love, Abigail. xoxo

Brad’s POV

There she was, sitting two desks away, and one in front, she was looking at me, I could tell. Her eye bore holes in the side of my head. Those wide, blue, eyes. No Brad, stop it. I finally had enough; I stood and proceeded to walk to her desk. The teacher wasn’t in the room so I had at least a small amount of time to get up and confront her. I make it to her desk and she looks up at me with confusion on her face. “What do you want?” I ask sternly glaring at her.

“What do you mean? I don’t want anything.” She answers taking out her phone and looks away from me, checking twitter probably.

“You know what I mean, Acacia. You’ve been staring at me for the past fifteen minutes.” I reply crossing my arms.

“Honey,” She looks up at me.

“Do not call me honey.”

“Fine then; Bradley, how can a person not look at a face as pretty as yours?” She giggles standing up. “Babe, you know you like me. I know you like me.”

I can’t help but roll my eyes. “How can you be so full of yourself? I like Abby, there’s no doubt about that. Stop trying to interfere and play your little head games. I’m not falling for that and I’m not letting you ruin my relationship with Abigail.” I stand up straighter and look down at her, I only see the corners of her mouth turn down slightly but other than that she’s completely unreadable.

“Oh Bradley,” she gently plays with the string of my hoodie; I don’t pull away from her. “I thought you’re smarter than that, I don’t know how to play head games. I’m not trying to do anything, but from the sounds of it I know exactly what’s going on.”

“And what’s that?” I furrow my brow and look hard at her.

“You like me, Bradley. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” She smirks and drops my hoodie strings, sitting down.

I was about to reply when the teacher walks in and tells me to sit at my desk. I reluctantly walk away to take a seat and I look away from Acacia. I sit down and cross my arms, looking straight ahead at the blank white board. I don’t like Acacia. I do not like her one bit, at least not in that way. I try to pay attention to what my English teacher was saying but my mind kept going back to what Acacia had said. I knew she liked me, but at this time I wasn’t 100% sure that I was clear of all feelings for her. But I love, Abby! She is my girlfriend, a beautiful person inside and out. How could I even manage to be indifferent about my previous feelings? I’m not, I love her. My mind kept fighting with my heart as I got carried off further and further into my thoughts.

“Mr. Simpson! I presume you were paying attention to our previous lesson and the homework assigned. Could you please give me the quote you chose from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writings?” Half the class turned to look at me and I slowly sat up trying to recollect my memory as to the quote I chose.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence and my fidgeting I remembered. “Oh right! Um, my quote… Yes.” I say and start to recite the quote by memory. “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything.” I clear my throat and the class sits in silence for a while, a few kids still looking at me, most of them girls.

“Yes, that’s a very good one. Would you mind telling us why you chose this quote?” Mr. Lang asks. More eyes turn to look at me, this time including Acacia’s.

I shift in my seat, “Well, I felt that when I chose my quote it had to be relevant to my life you know? And this girl that Fitzgerald wrote about must be pretty amazing, and I know an amazing girl as well so there’s the similarity on that level. Erm, the way he talks about her is pretty cool as well. I like that he doesn’t care what anyone thinks and that he will love her endlessly because of the things that everyone else doesn’t see. And when he states that when he fell in love it was the beginning of everything, there was this kind of feeling of infinite adoration and I can relate to that so yeah…” When I finish I can almost hear the collective swoons from the girls around me and I slouch low in my desk.

“That’s very good, Bradley, well done.” Mr. Lang nodded at me and proceeded to ask a student next to me for their quote. I wasn’t paying attention though; I was too busy watching Acacia glare at me from across the room. 

Love Has Never Been Easy: A Bradley Will Simpson Fanfic (Sequel to AOY)Where stories live. Discover now