Chapter 14.

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Abby's POV


"Abby? Abbyyy... Hey! Good morning beautiful." My eyes open slowly only to be met by Brad's chocolaty brown eyes gazing down at me.

I smile and stir, stretching my arms and touching the wall behind me. "What time is it?" I say, my voice groggy from my good nights rest.

"8:00, I made you breakfast." He says as he crawls off of the bed, making a sweeping gesture to where a TV table with a tray of French toast (drowned in maple syrup) and sausage sits. It is complete with a glass of orange juice and a little vase with a red carnation sitting in it. Bradley just smiles at me, "I thought it'd be the gentleman thing to do. Also," he says, walking over to the corner of his room where his record player sits, he drops the needle, "it's Chopin, Imogen told me you love Chopin."

"Thank you, love. You are the sweetest, most perfect boyfriend in the history of the world. Now, can I kiss you or do you have a thing about morning breath?" I ask standing up and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"A little morning breath doesn't matter, as long as I get to kiss you." He replies and leans down, pressing his lips to mine. It is short and sweet, but all the more satisfying. We pull away and I sit back down on the bed, commencing eating my meal in all of its glory. With Chopin and the rising sun sending its rays through a frost bitten window, I am filled with a feeling of content. Happy to be there wrapped in a thick feather duvet and breathing in the homey scent of my breakfast. “I’m going to take a shower.” Bradley says as he picks some jeans and a jumper off of his bedroom floor.

“Alright.” I sigh as I look out the window, everything in the outside world is covered in snow, making the world seem cozier, more enclosed. I hear the shower turn on from Bradley’s bathroom and I take a sip of my orange juice, blushing to myself as a ran over yesterday’s events in my mind. To put it frankly, I was no longer a virgin. The thought saddened me, but only for a short moment because when I thought of Bradley, I felt alright about it. He was gentle, constantly asking me if I was okay. We laughed a lot, it was awkward, but all the more enjoyable. Maybe we wouldn’t stay together, but maybe we would, the world is full of surprises. And there was love, a lot of love, it wasn’t something dirty, or merely for pleasure, it was an act of love and tenderness, something so intimate that brought us together. I finished up my food and stood up, walking over to the mirror in his bedroom, my hair was a tangled mess. Over the summer it had grown a few more inches, putting it at about the beginning curve up my hips. I was still in Bradley’s Arctic Monkeys tee, so I shrugged that off and sorted through the mess of fabric on Brad’s floor for my black leggings I was wearing yesterday. I spotted them and slid them on, then I headed to his closet and pulled out a blue plaid shirt, throwing it on. I then grabbed my school back and sorted through it until I found a hair elastic, pulling my messy locks into a ponytail. I then grabbed my tray of devoured breakfast foods and headed downstairs to his kitchen, wear I commenced washing them quickly and putting away the dishes. As I just finished up, I heard Brad coming down the stairs, I turn to greet him. “Hello, love.” I say as he walks up to me, pulling me into his arms.

“Hello, Abigail.” His breath is warm and tickles my ear as he whispers. “What do you want to do today?”

I pull away and turn back to the sink grabbing my washed and dried dishes and putting them away, “I need to go back to my house and grab some things.”

“Alright, do you want to go now?” He asks.

“Yeah sure, have you had breakfast?” I say grabbing my coat off of his couch and sliding it on.

“Yeah, earlier this morning.”

“Alright then. Lets go.” And we slide on out shoes and walk out of the house.

Love Has Never Been Easy: A Bradley Will Simpson Fanfic (Sequel to AOY)Where stories live. Discover now