Chapter 13.

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Brad’s POV

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. Blinking once or twice my vision cleared and I pulled away from where Abby was still sleeping to grab my iPhone. I looked at the display and saw that it was 8pm and that my mum was calling me. They were vacationing in Jasper this weekend and so I had the house to myself. I slid my thumb across the screen and sat up, “Hello?” I say, my voice groggy from just waking up. I have my boxer shorts on and my cross necklace is hanging around my neck, I sit up and leans against my wall.

“Hello, Bradley! Just calling to check in!” Her cheery voice calls through the receiver. “Helloooooooo!” My dad’s muffled voice calls from the background.

“Yeah, yeah everything is going great!” I mumble rubbing my eyes and looking down at Abby, gently playing with a strand of her hair.

“That’s good to here! We’re missing you!”

I can feel Abby start to stir and her eyelids flutter. “Okay. I’m missing you too, but I’ve got to go, Mum. Love you.”

“Okay! Love you—"But I hang up just as Abby fully wakes up.

“Hello, beautiful.” I smile down at her.

She smiles and slowly sits up and crosses her legs leaning into me, “Hello.” She snuggles into my side and lets out a sigh. She’s wearing my grey Arctic Monkeys tee, and her hair is hanging in messy waves down her back, she looks absolutely beautiful. “What time is it?” She yawns.

“Eight in the evening. Do you want me to drive you home?” I ask, playing with the edge of the t-shirt.

“Sure.” She sighs and gets up, I follow her and pull on my jeans and socks.

“Could I possibly have my shirt back?” I ask a lightly tug on the thin material.

“Just a moment.” She replies gathering her clothing off of my floor and she heads into my bathroom. I smile to myself and sit back on my bed grabbing my navy beanie from my bedpost and put it on, waiting for her. She comes back out fully dressed in her own clothes and she hands me my shirt. “Here you go.” She smiles and grabs her bag. I slide on my shirt and truck keys and a plaid shirt from my floor and we head downstairs and out my front door. It’s dark, and quite cold. I feel something icy land on my cheek and look up, it’s snowing. Light flakes fall around us, leaving a white blanket over everything. “It’s beautiful.” Abigail whispers from her spot beside me, just loud enough for me to hear. We both stand there, looking up at the sky and taking in the first snow fall of the year.

I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into me and I kiss her lightly. She pulls back and smiles. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” I say, brushing a piece of her hair away from her face. “I’m glad it was you.”

She just blushes and pulls away from me, opening the door to my truck and getting in. I get into the driver’s side and start up the Chevy. We pull onto the road and head into the direction of her house in silence. Once we arrive she kisses me on the cheek and gets out of the truck, striding into her house. I sit in her drive for a moment, smiling to myself. How did I manage to get so lucky? I was just about to put my truck into reverse when I saw Abby running out of her house with a huge smile on her face. I roll down my window. “I just remembered my Dad is in Calgary for a business meeting this weekend. Can I stay over?” She grins and winks and my stomach flips, the whole weekend with Abby? Hell yes.

“Get in!” I say as I unlock the doors and she slides in, throwing her school bag in the back seat. She leans over and kisses me and I kiss back, everything is perfect in that moment and it fills me with unexplainable joy. “So what are we going to do first?” I ask as we pull out from in front of her house.

She thinks for a moment smiling to herself, “Possibly make pizza and make out?”

“At the same time??” I tease looking over at her. The moon is shining bright tonight and lights up her face perfectly sharpening her image and enhancing her curves and edges.

“Obviously not…” She laughs. I place a hand on her thigh as we drive back to my place. When we pull up to my house we both climb out of my truck she walks to where I am and I throw my arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head.

“I Love you.”

“I love you too.” I say when we step into the warm air of my house. I pull her into me and look down into her lovely green eyes, “I love you so much.” I lean down and kiss her softly on her lips, tasting her mint lip chap.

We didn’t end up making pizza, we just went up to my room quietly even though no one else was home. We lay in bed locked in an embrace, and we just talked, too tired to do anything else. We spoke about what scares us and what makes us happy, our dreams, our futures, and our secrets. We talked until both of us fell fast asleep.

Love Has Never Been Easy: A Bradley Will Simpson Fanfic (Sequel to AOY)Where stories live. Discover now