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Branch wakes up to water thrown at his face.
"Ah! What the heck!?" He screams. Poppy had thrown water into his face. "Poppy, why'd you do that?" Branch says, dragging himself out of bed.
"We are swimming today! Put on your swim suit." Poppy says excitedly.
"What? No. I'm not swimming."
"Come on, Branch." Sating says, wearing a shirt and bather bottoms that would go with a bikini.
"Yeah, come on Branch." Chenille says, wearing the matching pattern for Satin's shirt as shorts with the bikini top that looks like it belongs with Satin's bottoms.
"No, I don't swim. I don't even own a swim suit." Branch says, trying to get out of his crowded bedroom.
"Then just wear your pants, that's what the guys are doing-" DJ states, wearing boardshorts and a crop top to match. "Well, not including Guy Diamond or Cooper." The two named Trolls smile.
Branch roles his eyes and leaves.

"Branch, come swim with us." Cooper says, following.
"No." Branch crosses his arms.
"Branch-" Poppy starts.
"No. No, Poppy, I am not swimming. This Troll does not swim." Branch points to himself.
"Then don't swim," Satin says.
"Yeah, chill by the pool with us! Maybe turn that faded grey into a prettier colour with a Troll tan!" Chenille finsihes.
"A troll tan?" Branch asks, almost instantly regretting it.
"When a troll tans, duh." DJ says. "The girls think it's possible and they want to know if you can tan too, you know, being grey and all." Branch roles his eyes.
"Yay! Let's go!" Poppy yells, taking his arm.
"Wait, what? No!" Branch screams as he is dragged out of his own house.

"You guys have to stop going into my home when I'm asleep!" Branch says, as Poppy and Creek hold him by his arms.
"Then don't be asleep when we come over." Poppy says, smiling. Branch looks around.
"Hey, wait, where's Aspen and Moxie?" He notices their absence.
"They are on a date!" Biggie screams, giggling.
"A date?" Branch laughs, "With Moxie?"
"Yep, that's what he said anyway." Mandy cuts in.

They make it to the lake where they would be swimming, that's when Branch realises that it's the same place he mentioned in his memory.
"Guys, what's the deal!?" Branch yells, pulling away from Poppy and Creek.
"What? We thought maybe-"
"You thought wrong, Poppy. Have you learnt nothing!? Everything from my past gets me down. Places, actions, words. The whole Trolling lot!" Poppy drops her head.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted you to be happy being at a place you have good memories. You can go if you want." Branch watches as the sparkle in Poppy's eye starts to glass over with water.
"Go, go if it will make you happy." Her voice is exhausted. He looks at her, guilt filled his body. Branch bites his lip and sighs. He knows what he has to do for Poppy. Branch runs between Creek and Poppy.

"Last one in is the rotten blueberry!" He tugs his vest off and throws it aside before he jumps in. The lake is freezing as the weather starts becoming cooler.
"Is it cold?" Biggie calls. Branch looks down.
"No, it's really nice!" Branch calls back, holding in his laughter. They all run towards the lake, Branch swims back a little to make room.
" Branch!" They all call after jumping in. Half of the are hugging up to each other, the rest are hugging their shoulders.
"This is freezing!" Biggie yells, splashing Branch in the face.
"I know. That's what you get for making me come here." Poppy smiles weakly, she was one of the last ones in. Branch dives down and swims to her. Slipping under, he gets Poppy on his shoulders and lifts her up. Poppy looks down in surprise. Smiling she runs her hands through Branch's hair. Guy Diamond gets the same idea and picks Mandy up the same way. Biggie picks Cooper up and DJ holds Mr Dinkles as everyone has shoulder wars. Satin and Chenille lay in the surprisingly bright sunlight.

After a day of swimming, Branch and everyone else gets out, making sure to flick the water from their hair onto the twins.
"Watch it!" They yelled. It was getting really late and seeming almost dark. Lights lit up all around them, pinks and reds, blues and greens. They all sit on the grass at the edge of the water and watch the lights reflect off the rippling water.
"The view is so beautiful." Poppy says, everyone nods. Branch looks at Poppy who was sitting next to him.
"The view is more than just beautiful." He says, not realising he said it alloud. He turns his head, his cheeks burning.
"I agree with Branch." Aspen's voice could be heard from behind. "His view is more than beautiful to him. " Aspen teases. He sits down next to Branch, having Moxie sit down beside him.
"How was the date?" Branch asks, Aspen goes from bright orange to red in seconds.
"Date? What date? We went to help with decorations for Trollsmas. Who told you it was a date?" Moxie asks, looking concerned. Aspen looks desperatly at Branch.
"I just figured you too got along so well that you guys would have tried a thing out. You two would be so cute." Branch says, grabbing his own hands and pretending to smile at them, batting his eyelids. Aspen glares at him.
"Not as cute as the couple you and Poppy would make. I think pink would suit you." Branch freezes up. Then everyone starts laughing.
"Sure, like Branch and Poppy will ever be a thing. They basicallyy despise each other. They are opposites." Creek says from the other side of the line. Aspen smiles.
"Opposites attract." Aspen whispers to Branch. Branch motions his hand to Moxie.
"Yes, yes they do." Both trolls smile to each other.

As they were getting ready to leave, Aspen and Moxie had made a plan. Guy Diamond stood between the twins, chatting them up near the edge of the lake and as soon as they were ready, Aspen and Moxie grabbed the twins and jumped in. The whole group didn't hear the end of it for the rest of the walk home.

5 days left

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