Baby sitting.

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Branch woke up early to banging. It wasn't even daylight. He opened the door to find Guy Diamond standing there, glittering in the moonlight.

"Guy Diamond? What are you doing?" Branch asks.
"I had a fight with my older brother." His auto tune wasn't as strong as it usually is. "He kicked me out." Guy Diamond stands there holding his arm. Branch knew what he was asking for; a place to stay the night. With much reluctancy, Branch opened the door. Even Guy Diamond seemed surprised.
"Come in." Branch says. "But you can't mention this to anyone." Guy Diamond smiles and promises, holding up his pinky.

Branch grabs a spare blanket and pillow from his bunker before setting them on the couch that's never used unless he has uninvited company.
"I'm so sor-rey, Anton was getting on my nerve." Guy Diamond sits on the couch after Branch lays out a blanket.
"Anton is your older brother?" Branch says, unaware of who Anton really is.
"Yeah, I know, he looks like he is at least a dec-cade older than me." Guy Diamond laughs, his skin glowing with the movement of his shoulders. Branch looks at Guy Diamond and bites his lip. He knows he should say something else. Only one thing comes to mind.
"What's it like, you know, having a brother." Branch asks. Guy Diamond face lights up with shock. That's when Guy Diamond takes a chance.
"Don't you have any family?" Branch eyes drop, remembering his passed family members. "Not anymore, but I never had a sibling, what's it like?"

"Well, it's an amazing experience, having someone who will look after you if you are the younger one but if your the older one then it's amazing to get to take care and protect your sibling." Guy Diamond explains.
"So, are you a middle child?" Branch asks. Guy Diamond nods.
"My younger sister is Harley. Pink, glitter troll who has an obsession for masquerade masks." Branch looks at Guy Diamond now, not as he did before. He is the middle child of three, Branch never would have guessed. Someone who looks after his younger sister but is also looked after by his older brother.

"Why are you and your brother fighting?" Branch asks.
"He wants to go out tomorrow but, because I am, he can't. The only reason why I can is because I am with the princess all day tomorrow baby sitting younglings."
"Wait, what are we doing?" Branch asks, stopping him from continuing.
"Baby sitting 3 fuzzlings, DJ's sister Glimmer and Creek's baby brother Clay." Guy Diamond says like it's no big deal.
Branch thinks for a while then responds. "Why can't your brother go out?"
"Because Harley is home, our parents are leaving for Trollsmas gathering." Branch sighs before he continues his first thought.
"I'm not a big fan of baby sitting, but if we are already taking care of 5 younglings, what harm can a sixth one add?"

Branch regretted suggesting it. DJ Suki now sits in a pile of sand, getting it in her orange dreadlocks as her pink skinned sister covers her and her sister in white sand. Creek, Satin and Chenille try calming Clay down after he face planted a tree, running from the Fuzzlings that have now scattered off. Biggie, Moxie, Mandy and Poppy have all went looking for them and Branch and Guy Diamond get ready to catch Cooper from a tree that Harley trapped him in after he took her mask. Aspen is untying the ropes as Guy Diamond and Branch stand under them and trying to hold Harley from running off.

"This is torture, why are we doing this!?" Branch yells.
"Because it's apart of the twelve days of Trollsmas. Harley! Calm down!" Guy Diamond yells.
"Get ready!" Aspen calls from above. Cooper comes falling down but Branch and Guy Diamond manage to catch him.
"I regret this." Branch whispers.
"Me too." Guy Diamond adds.
"I agree." Cooper jumps in.
"If you guys are talking about regretting this count me triple in." DJ calls before a coughing fit as her sister shoves sand in her mouth.
"I wonder if the Trolls that took care of us on the sixth day of Trollsmas thought we were this bad." Satin chimes in.
"Yeah, same. Clay, please calm down." Chenille tries comforting the crying troll.
"Clay, positive thinking. Remember what mother teaches us." Creek tells Clay, it just makes Clay cry even more.
"I'm sick of this!" Branch calls out. Everyone mumbles agreements. That's when Branch comes up with a plan.

After grabbing some rope, Branch tied each Troll to an end of each rope and then to the tree where the older Trolls left there stuff. Sitting around the tree, the younglings didn't cause much trouble because they couldn't run around.
"I wish I thought of this earlier." DJ says, brushing sand out of her hair.
"Suki! Brush the sand out of my hair." Glimmer calls, shaking her green pig tails.
"Oh, no. You did that, you fix that." DJ throws her a brush and Glimmer glares at her sister as she brushes her hair.

"Clay isn't so bad, you know, when he is tied up." The twins laugh and Creek as he says this. His baby brother, still on the verge of tears, crosses his arms and stares intently at his brother.
"Harley isn't either, when she doesn't set boobie-traps for me." Cooper adds. Harley smiles then pokes her tongue out.

"Oi!" Everyone looks behind the tree to see Biggie, Poppy, Moxie and Mandy, hair completely messed up, dirt on their faces and buries all over their legs, holding Izzy, Fuzzbert and Tickles - the three Fuzzlings. " I hope you have ropes for these guys." Biggie says, holding Izzy as far away from him as he can.
"As a matter of fact," Guy Diamond holds up some more rope. "We do."

As soon as all the younglings are tied up and everyone is sitting, everyone starts chatting about anything that comes to mind. As the sun drops, shadows cast along the play ground they are at. Lights start glimmering in the trees - Trollsmas lights.
"Look, they put the lights up." Poppy says smiling.
"Oh!" The twins say at once. "That reminds us." They grab their bags and start pulling out red and white fabric.
"Please tell me that is not Trollsmas hats." Branch begs.
"They are!" The twins giggle, passing them around, even to the little ones.
"How many do you guys have?" Cooper asks, having Satin replace his green hat with one of the Trollsmas hats.
"So many!" Satin says and Chenille continues to hand them out.
"Here, Branch." Chenille holds one towards Branch.
"Come on Branch, get the Trollsmas feeling!" Poppy says in sing song. "Because..."

"It's beginning to look a lot like Trollsmas.
Everywhere we go!
Take a look in the trees again tonight! Glistening once again.
With Trollsmas hats and silver lights aglow!

"I'll take the hat if I don't have to sing or dance!" Branch yells. Chenille places the hat on his head and everyone but him breaks into song, even the younglings.

"A pair of black fur boots and a board that glides
Is the wish of the twins and Aspen
A new pair of pants and a dance floor
Is the hope of Creek and Guy Diamond
And Branch can hardly wait for the twelve days to be over once again."

"It's beginning to look a lot like Trollmas
Everywhere we go
There's lights around the village, some at Branch's as well,
The good kinds that can handle the heavy snow."

"Wait! What happened to my house?" Branch calls out but nobody answers.

"Its beginning to look a lot like Trollsmas
Soon the bells will start
And the thing that will make them ring are the carols we willl sing
Right within your heart!"

"Guys!?" Branch calls out.
"Yes?" Everyone responds.
"What did you do to my house?" Everyone laughs. "Guys, seriously!?" Thats when everyones bracelets go off. Within seconds everyone attacks Branch with hugs. When the hug is over Branch still glares at everyone.

"Brother?" Harley looks to Guy Diamond as everyone heads off home. "Are you coming home tonight?" Guy Diamond looks up to Branch.
"Yeah, I'm coming home" Guy Diamond smiles, holding his sisters hand.
"Wait, Guy Diamond, where were you last night then?" Poppy asks.
"He was at-" Guy Diamond cuts his sister off.
"I'm coming home."
The guys all start to join in, besides Branch, the girls still curious.
"I'm coming home."
The girls fold their arms, all besides Harley and Glimmer who join in already.
"Tell the world I'm coming home."
Satin and Chenille shrug and sing with everyone.
"Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday!"
Poppy and DJ give in and start singing too.
"I know my kingdom awaits and theyve forgiven my mistakes."
"I'm coming home, I'm coming home."
"Tell the world I'm coming-"

Everyone circles around Branch, closing him in the middle. He sighs and says, not sings; "Home." Everyone cheers.

6 days left.

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