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Third Person POV:

Robin marched into the living room of the cave with an annoyed expression. His blonde pursuer was laughing with tears in the corner of her eyes.

Wally hung his head on the back of the couch, watching the two new additions enter the room. His expression went from bored to excited the moment his eyes landed on Robin, his best friend. "Hey dude!" He jumped up with a huge grin fanning his face.

"It's not funny Artemis!" Robin insisted with a growl, accidentally ignoring the Red-headed speedster. "What's not funny?" Wally raised an eye brow walking over to the Island and leaning against it. Robin proceeded to open the fridge, grabbing a water bottle.

He shot a glare at Artemis, who only shrugged still laughing. "Nothing!" Robin insisted slamming the fridge door. Only making Wally even more curious. He turned to look at Artemis. He approached her with his super speed, nearly knocking her over. "What is it?!" He asked as she regained her balance. "Watch it Kid Idiot!" She fumed. Wally rolled his eyes and asked again as she steadied herself. "What is it?! Come on... tell me!" He whined.

Robin shook his head angrily. Artemis smirked at his disapproval. "Well it's kind of a story actually..."

~~ Flash back ~~

Robin pulled himself up, his chin just passing the pull up bar, fallowed by his chest and torso until he was completely on the bar. Artemis had stopped her abuse of the punching bag to watch him curiously. Dick walked along with pull up bar, stopping abruptly and doing a back flip, landing on the bar perfectly.

Artemis' jaw dropped. She knew of Dick's agility when it came to things like this, but as he swung gracefully she took the moment to  admire his skills. She only stopped staring when Dick noticed her gaze. She shook her self out of her thoughts and grinned.

Dick smiled back, and got down from the bar. He made his way over to the bench area that Artemis was at. "Wow, I knew you were agile and Wally had told me you were good at these kind of things but... wow." She was at a loss for words.

Dick smiled sheepishly at the compliment and mumbled a thanks. He bent down rummaging through his bag. He took out a small hand towel and wipe his chalky hands and sweaty face.

Robin went back to rummaging through his bag, Artemis looked at him through the corner of her eye while drinking from her water bottle. He groaned and hung his head in defeat.

"What's the matter?" Artemis asked throwing her towel over her shoulder and raising an eyebrow at the bird. "I must have left my water bottle in the fridge..." he said almost in a I'm-so-stupid kind of way. Artemis shrugged and outstretched her own water bottle to him. "You can have some of mine, if you like."

Robin beamed at the offer, "Thanks!" He said outreaching for thee bottle. His hand wrapped around the bottle, brushing against Artemis' hand. She looked down, and couldn't help but notice how small Robin's hand was...

Artemis started laughing at her recognition, only confusing Dick. Noticing his confusion Artemis took his hand and placed it against her own. "You have such tiny hands..."

~~ Flashback End ~~

"And thus we have this situation." Artemis finished her little story only making Robin blush deeply and take a aggravated gulp from his newly acquired water bottle.

Wally joined Artemis in her laughing fit. Robin's reaction to the situation only made it all the funnier to them. Robin only shrieked at them again and again that it wasn't funny.

Robin eventually had enough and stormed out of the kitchen to the living room. He sat down and crossed his arms over his chest. Wally finally calmed down and wandered over. "Oh come on Robin... don't be like that." Wally whined. Robin only ignored him.

"Dude don't sweat it. I'm sure your hands aren't too small. Maybe Artemis just has overly big hands!" Wally tried to cheer him up ignoring the protests or Artemis. Robin turned to look at him, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. Artemis left the room grumbling leaving the speedster and bird alone.

"Let me see your hand." Robin said gesturing towards Wally's right hand. Wally raised an eyebrow but set his hand in Robin's. Robin positioned their hands to match. He immediately got depressed noticing his hand was at least an Inch and a half smaller then Wally's.

Wally only laughed nervously. "Come on dude, you'll grow..." (Haha sound familiar?) Wally attempt to make the bird feel better. Robin only puffed his bottom lip out, pouting.

Wally, noticing his encouragement didn't make Robin feel better, he grabbed Robin's hand and kissed the palm with a little "Chu~" noise. Robin instantly blushed crimson at the action.

"W-Wha?! What are you doing?!" Robin asked flustered at the action. Wally chuckled. "Even if you're hands are small, I think they're cute!"

"... Shut up. (▰˘◡˘▰)"

BirdFlash Smut and fluff (Mature BirdFlash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now