V- (Smut)

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*sigh* Guess I better take a break from my fanfic spree to go update one of my wattpad-

HOLY 3k READS BATMAN! I can't believe how fast this book is growing wtf... well. Ok.

Casually slides update towards reader...

I'm just gonna leave that there.

Wally POV:

I glanced at the TV screen back to Robin laying on the floor. He was watching the tv, upside down, obviously bored. Conner, Robin and I were the only inhabitants the cave held at the moment.

Artemis and Megan shopping and promised to be out all day doing so, and Kladur was with his mentor, Aquaman. Leaving just the three of us to boredly spend our summer day watching... Nemo? Really?

"Who picked Nemo again? Couldn't we have watched something cooler, like a horror movie or something?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "We haven't rented anything else, this is all we had in the cave at the moment. Cable TV didn't offer much either." Robin shrugged rolling over onto my feet.

Connor was pretty engrossed in the movie oddly enough.

Another 30 or so minutes into the movie passed and the Zeta beams announced the arrival of Superman and Batman. We were all to our feet in seconds. Using my speed I was the first into the Zeta-room.

"Got a mission for us Bats?" I said eagerly upon entering the room. Batman, as usual, was wearing an unreadable expression but Superman looked both tense and nervous. They didn't answer me.

Rob and Superboy followed in behind me after a short while. Rob and Batman exchanged a greeting nod then Batman looked over at Superman. Superman coughed uncomfortably then stepped forward. "Superboy? Some people have brought it to my attention that I have put off your training long enough." He said carefully and putting emphasis into people. I get my lips turn up into a smirk, Robin's doing the same. And I'm sure if Batman showed outside emotions he too would be smirking.

Ignoring our smirks Superman went on, "And, I'd figured we could start today." He said adding a small smile. A genuine smile.

Superboy smiled and nodded, dare I say, excitedly? Wait maybe eagerly would be a better word? Superman's smiled widened further upon superboy's reply.

"Okay then, I guess we should start with the fortress." Superman started as the two supers left via Zeta tube. Leaving the rest of us staring after them.

Rob and I the turned back to Batman. "So... Training?" Rob mused. Batman was about to respond when his comm went off and he raised a hand to his ear. After a silent few seconds, a scowl appeared on his face. "Training will have to wait. I'm needed in the watchtower." Batman turned without another word and left the same way Superman and Superboy did.

Rob and I looked at each other simultaneously. "Back to Nemo?" He pondered. I groaned and turned, dragging my way back into the living room. "Yay Summer," I said sarcastically, my butt finding a spot on the couch, the same one I sat on before the exchange.

Rob chuckled. "We could play games." He too sat down back in his original spot despite their being plenty of room on the actual couch. Weirdo.

BirdFlash Smut and fluff (Mature BirdFlash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now