III 1/2 - (Smut)

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In this Wally hasn't died, him and Artemis were never a thing, Dick left the team to watch over Blüdhaven and hasn't been back since, and Wally is still in the team as Vice leader when Kaldur isn't around.

Nightwing Stared over his city with precautionary. You could ask anyone about Blüdhaven, and they would all give the same response.

Much like Gotham, Blüdhaven was a crime infested city that no one would dare be caught out on the streets after dark.

But this was Nightwing's home. Blüdhaven was to Nightwing, what Gotham was to Batman. Nothing more, nothing less. It was his city, his turf. No other hero's were welcomed in it without Nightwing knowing about it. After all, Dick was raised by Batman and learned most, if not all, of what he knows. Of course that includes his desire and determination to work alone.

Something was different in his city tonight. Normally it wouldn't be hard to find a problem for him to solve. Gift a bad guy, get away, find another, risk his life again. Help people. It was his routine. Tonight however, he had yet to find a problem or crime in progress. Even the amount of citizens on the street was lower then usual.

Nightwing's eyes closed until they were only a sliver wide. "Suspicious..." he mumbled under his breath. He jumped from his perch from a roof top, landing on another lower roof, then a closed dumpster, and finally the ground level. He jumped on his parked bike, kicking the kickstand up and raring the engine. It buzzed with excitement and took off when Dick finally let off the break.

As he drove, he let his mind wander. It had been awhile since he visited The Cave. His mind drifted to each of his Ex Teammates. More specifically, Wally. Dick pulled up to a red light stopping his motorbike and letting his right leg support the bike from falling over.

Lost in his thoughts, Dick didn't notice a red haired man standing at the cross walk. He was looking down at his phone, with a tired look in his emerald eyes. Hearing the noise of a motorbike he softly looked up, doing a double take at the owner of the bike.

"Nightwing?" Someone asked, knocking Dick out of his thoughts. He looked over at the small group of people waiting to cross at the crosswalk. The group of people also looked at him at the mention of his name. "Oh my god! It's really him!", "Take a pic!" Were just some of the many things the growing crowd began to say.

Dick's masked eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the original voice, he recognized it somehow. He didn't see anyone he knew, at least not within the crowd. He waved at the adorning people, the light turned Green and he was off again. The people watched as he went.

Wally looked over at the teen next to him. "You know him?" He raised an eyebrow. The teen looked at him dumbfounded. "You don't?! He's Blüdhaven's OWN superhero! He keeps us all safe, and not to mention he's a total hunk." She boasted showing different pictures to Wally of the hero. Wally nodded and smiled but walked away.

He found him! After Dick left the team it's like he went missing. Batman knew where he was, but he wouldn't share the info to the team, now Wally had finally found him! He ran to the nearest Alley changing into his familiar Yellow and Red uniform. He wide smile he wore, never leaving his face.

Wally caught up to Dick quickly using his speed making it rather easy. He was running along side Dick's bike, waiting for Dick to notice him. When Dick did, he nearly crashed is bike. He had turned sharply making the bike flip, but Wally caught Dick and skidded to a halt.

BirdFlash Smut and fluff (Mature BirdFlash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now