IV - (Fluff)

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Wally's POV:

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Wally's POV:

"Recognize: Robin BO1" 

The monotone feminine robotic voice announced just as a Zeta Beam lit up. Everyone turned to greet the bird. Connor and I were in the middle of a Holo Air hockey game with Kaldur, Megan and Artemis spectating.

"Hey Robin." Artemis was the first to greet him. He gave a forced smile, one we could all see, and continued on without a word. "Robin? Passing up a chance to kick Wally's butt at a game of Holo Air Hockey?" Artemis raised an eyebrow. I pouted. "Who said he was gonna kick my butt?!" I defended, but dropped it noticing the worry on Megan's face.

"Come on guys, it's Robin. He's probably fine." Artemis pointed out. Kaldur nodded unsure and everyone else stayed quiet. "I'll go check on him." I offered and walked out of the room.

"Robin~!" I knocked on the door to his room. There was no response. I sighed, "Come on, Dick. Let me in, so we can talk." I whispered, knowing him he was probably sulking on his bed.

A few moments of silence went by and I was debating walking away or breaking the door down, when it finally opened just a sliver. Dick peaked through the crack, his mask was off showing me those baby blues I love.

Wait. Did I just say that?

"Hey bud, what's wrong?" I asked genuinely worried, I also noticed how red his eyes were, he had been crying. He opened the door full, letting me walk in as he walked back over to his bed. I closed the door behind me.

I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. He didn't say anything. I didn't want to push him into telling me what was wrong, if he just wanted to sit in silence, that's fine.

His gaze was fixated on the floor with new found interest. His bangs shadowing his eyes. "Today..." he began with a shaky voice. I raised an eyebrow.

"Today..?" I said after some time. "T-Today's the Anniversary." He choked, willing his tears back with a great deal of effort.  My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, Anniversary? Anniversary of what?

Then it occurred to me. His parents. Oh crap.

"Oh Dickie I'm so sorry." I said gently rubbing his shoulder in support. His shoulders began to shake as he lost the waging war in his head. Slowly, tears escaped his eyes and slipped down his soft cheeks.

On impulse, (haha Impulse, heh get it? No? Not funny? Ok.) I pulled him into my chest. Not to say it wasn't awkward, seeing as the position we were siting in an all. His shoulder connected with my chest and I attempted not to make a grunting noise at the impact.

His eyes flung open, noticing that I had just pulled him into myself. (I was tempted to rewrite that cause it sounds so dirty lmao) We locked eye contact for a a short time, then he turned, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling into my chest. He sobs wracked his body.

Some people probably would have found the gesture cute... but his snot rubbing all over my uniform kinda ruined the moment. Subconsciously my own arms wrapped around Dick, holding onto him as if for dear life. My nose burying into his hair, inhaling the minty smell of his shampoo. Wow it really smelled good.

We sat like that for what seemed only seconds, but in really it was an hour. He had fallen asleep on my chest, His soft snoring and the steady rise and fall of his breathing the only thing alerting me that he had fallen asleep.

I smiled, and attempted peeling him off of me to lay him on the bed. That didn't work so well. His arms just locked around my neck pulling me close. At first I thought he was awake, but when I looked up at him trying to get out of the arm lock his breathing was still steady and his eyes closed.

I grunted, he fell backward onto the bed pulling me with him, me ending up on top of him. I blushed 50 shades of red (Hehe) that could blend in with my hair. His face was dangerously close to my own, his lips even closer.

I, again, attempt to peel him off with no luck. Like damn! How strong is this kid?!

After struggling a little while longer I let out a defeated sigh and rolled over, laying next to him. I relaxed, which in turn made Dick loosen his unconscious grip slightly. My own eye lids were growing heavy as I stared at his Innocent face. The blush never leaving my cheeks. Dammit, why did he have to be so cute?

I slowly inched closer, my eyes flickering from his closed eyes to his lips. I titled my head, my lips meeting his gently. I pulled away quickly with wide eyes. WHAT AM I DOING?! I started to panic at the realization that I had just kissed my best friend, whose also a boy! Does that make me gay? No way, I like girls! But, then why do I get so flustered around Dick?! Why do I get jealous when he an Zetanna hang out?

"That was short." Someone commented and I nearly jumped twelve feet when I realized Dick was staring at my flustered face.

"You were awake?!"

"Yup. By the way Wally, your lips are soft." He licked his own lips with a cheeky grin. My own cheeks becoming an even dark shade of crimson.



"Shut up."

BirdFlash Smut and fluff (Mature BirdFlash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now