VI-Rebirth (Fluff)

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Sup. Been awhile.


So uh I wrote this and here it is. Hope you like it and still don't want to murder me :)

Also *Legends never Stay dead


The first thing Dick was aware of, was his tiny hands.

Very very tiny hands.

His Baby hands.

His baby hands were in fact attached to a chubby baby-sized arm. Fallowed by a baby sized torso, baby legs and baby feet. If he could see his face or head they would probably be baby sized too.

He's a baby. How? He doesn't know, all he remembered was being on a mission with the titans, things happened, very painful things he might add, then everything went black.

Next thing he knew he was staring at the face of woman humming a tune and cradling him. Dick stared in amazement at her, the fuzzy feeling in his chest and recognition in her face, but Dick was sure he had never met this woman. When he tried to talk to her, nothing but a gurgle or coos came from his toothless mouth.

The woman giggled, a bright and up lifted noise that almost seemed dazzling. Her deep sapphire blue eyes reflected her joy. "My little Richard." She cooed kissing Dick on his nose. Dick found himself giggling, one of the few noises he could make. A lock of the woman's long honey brown hair fluttered into her face as a summer breeze drifted through the open window just out of Dick's eye sight. Dick's chubby little baby hand reached up and wrapped around the strand, pulling on it gently with amazement, assuming the woman.

Dick looked at her again. He understood who she was now. She was his mother, but not the mother he remembered, no this was not Mary Grayson.

He had been reborn.


13 Years Later

Getting a second chance at life. That's what Richard got. Though, the world he had been reborn into was void of superheroes, he couldn't be happier. He missed being a vigilante, he missed being Nightwing. He missed his old family too. Bruce, Alfred, Jason, Tim, Damian, Steph, Barbara, Cass, Kate, everyone.
Why he was reborn with all the memories of his past life, he had no clue.

His memories weren't the only thing he retained. His body was very similar as well. He was still very flexible like the acrobat he was. He still had his stunning blue eyes, that he found was a similar shade to his new mother's, same thick ebony locks that liked to curl and frame his face. Although his skin was a different tone, instead of the golden tinted olive he had before, he was now fair skinned.

He found he looked a lot like his new parents. His father's dark hair and sharp features, his mother's soft eyes and fair skin. Both his parents were tall, his father at 6'4 and his mother at 5'8. He'd probably grow to near his dad's height, making him taller then he had been in his past life, not that he was complaining.

For the first few years of his life, he battled himself, determining if s

When he started school, he excelled. Understandably so, because of his memories. I mean, he was a grown man in the body of a child. (... Um, there's no good way to word that.)

Before he knew it, he had graduated to middle school, then high school at the age of 13. Yup. Just like in his previous life. Although around this time he was already Robin, and his parents had passed away. None of which had happened in this world, and that he was grateful for. He wasn't even born into a big city actually. It was an average suburb town. Rather peaceful. A huge contrast to the city of Gotham that he grew up in. His family was just above middle class, thanks to his dad's job as a doctor, and his mom's job as a physician.

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