Chapter 1

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Peggy POV
I fidgeted with my yellow sundress, tugging on the hem, tightening the straps, loosening the tie around the waist. I eventually sighed, and accepted the look of the dress. It was cute, and it suited me. I didn't know why I was frustrated. I decided that I was nervous, nervous for the new school year. We would be beginning 12th grade with an assembly. I pulled my curly, hard to wrangle hair into a ponytail and gave my self a once-over. I was ready.

I walked into the room, which looked more set to be used for a college lecture. I sat in a rounded seat, and crossed my legs. As I folded my hands in my lap, I heard snickers hiss through the air. "Goody two shoes," Someone whispered. I took a deep breath. I had assumed the boys in our grade would be more mature, considering we are beginning our senior year, but honestly, I wasn't surprised. "Ugh," I groaned. Maybe they'd act more stately when the teacher arrived, I thought, but I wasn't so sure. I had never really been fond of men. That is, more than platonically. I used to be friends with a boy named Herc, but time changed and so did he. I believed he was one of the whispering voices, but I didn't look back. I scanned the room for new faces, and when I gave up, the teacher walked in.
"Welcome, students!" She said peppily. "What a wonderful day it is! You are now seniors! Some of you-" she said while looking pointedly at the boys behind me, "may think this is a year for goofing off. It is quite the opposite," her voice took a serious tone. "This year, you will learn. That goes for school subjects, and dare I say more importantly, respect. Next up for all of you is college, then the real world. This year will be fun, but will prepare you for the important aspects of life. Some of these major themes include kindness, responsibility, cooperation, respect, openness-" I sit straighter in my seat. This is where I shine. "-respect, sportsmanship, and puntuali-" she was cut off by the sound of a door swinging open. In the doorway by the front of the room stood a girl. She wore a mahogany crop top, (which was tight and short enough to be dress coded) black, high waisted short shorts, and a black choker. Her hair was curly and mid length, and she wore a deep red lipstick. She had the rebel look down pat. "Please find a seat," I heard the teacher whisper, and the girl looked around. She started walking up the steps, and to my surprise, into my row. "Can I sit here?" She asked gently, with a voice fit for a jazz singer. I nodded and she sat down. She introduced herself as Maria, then surprisingly, she stared at the teacher, paying attention. She seemed incredibly polite. At some point she asked my name. I was surprised, but replied, "My name is Margaret, but you can call me Peggy."

A/N ~ So I know I wrote this before, but I thought it would be a good start to my first ever real fan fiction. I just changed the tense, and deleted some romantic stuff. Sorry WhedonWorshipper  . I hope you guys like this!

I am Peggy (a platonic Peggy x Maria High School AU Fanfiction) *STOPPED*Where stories live. Discover now