Chapter 8

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That week was one of the worst of mine. For some reason, Herc and James still wanted me to sit with them at lunch. Maria didn't say anything to James, but glared at me when I started walking over on Monday. I turned away, eyes burning, and walked over to the table where Lara was sitting. She looked a bit surprised to see me there but kindly introduced me to the others at the table.
"Theodosia, Debby, Martha, Sally and Abby, say 'Hi' to Peggy."
"Um, hi," they responded awkwardly. I felt comfortable because of how uncomfortable we all were. Lara started talking, and we all eased into conversation, me last. By the end of that week, I had make a new group of friends. That didn't change how horrible I felt about my exchange with Maria. I kept on forming a response to it in my head, a way to hold my ground and talk to her. But when she finally stopped me on Friday afternoon, I froze.
"Listen, let's forget everything that happened on Sunday. Everything's okay, so let's go back to how we were before. Got it?"
"Um...okay?" I said, shocked. I couldn't just let go of what I had heard on Sunday. What was going on with her and James? However, I wanted to still be friends. My time with her was the best I'd ever had.
"So... want to go on a double date tonight?"
"Sure," I replied. "To where?"
"Well, there's this rom-com playing at the movies, and I thought we could all go see it!" She said playfully, brightening at my acceptance of her request to rekindle our friendship.
"Okay." I tried to show enthusiasm at the idea of seeing a badly written movie with little to no plot. I also wasn't excited to be expected to be romantic with Herc, but if it would make things go back to normal with Maria, I'd do it.
"Four tickets please!" Maria took the tickets from the window.
"My treat," James said. "I'll pay for all of us." Maria clutched his arm lovingly. "Let's go get some food!" Maria exclaimed. I couldn't say no to that.
"We'll have two large slushies with two straws in each."
"We will?" I looked quizzically at Maria.
"C'mon Peg! We are on a double date!" I rolled my eyes jokingly, masking my true discomfort. I made eye contact with Herc, who looked just as uncomfortable. Maria and James got some popcorn.
"We're going to get some more food. We'll meet you there," I offered, trying to get Herc alone.
"Okay," winked Maria.
"First of all, would you mind putting this into two different cups?" I asked the clerk.
"Of course," he responded politely.
"And Herc, you don't need to be, um, romantic with me. Let's just agree to only going so far to convince them that we're together."
"I totally agree," he replied.
"Okay, thank God. I did not want to kiss you." Herc looked a bit hurt.
"Oh no, just...I just am not comfortable with that stuff with anybody yet," I explained, squirming. I coughed awkwardly, and gestured towards the other two, who had shown the tickets and were waiting for us. We walked over, hands behind our backs, our faces tight. Maria gave me a meaningful look, and proceeded to smile obnoxiously and grab James's hand. After looking lovingly at her boyfriend, she looked back at me. She wiggled her eyebrows in a way only a friend could understand to mean: "Now go get him!" I sighed, forcing a smile and reaching for Herc's hand. He confusedly grabbed it, but, after seeing Maria's face, understood. We all walked into the theater, Maria and James happy and genuinely in love, Herc and I forcing smiles.
About halfway through the movie, my popcorn was running low, and so was my patience. As expected, the movie was badly written and had absolutely no plot. Although, if I were to rate it in terms of abundance of kissing scenes in wheat fields and the rain, it would receive a 10/10. Looking to my left I saw Maria and James's disgusting PDA. They were to busy kissing to watch the terrible movie. I glanced over to Herc and saw that he was simultaneously recoiling from the horrible movie acting and nodding off. I turned back to the movie, but all I could think about was the amazing sci-fi playing next door. After silently complaining to myself for a few more minutes, I made a decision. I leaned over to Herc and whispered, "Let's get out of here. 'Arrival' is playing in the theater next door, and it's supposed to be incredible." He breathed a sigh of relief and started to quietly pack up his things. I looked back at Maria and James, making sure they didn't notice. As I expected, they were too, uh, busy to see us leave. As soon as we left the theater, I shot a text to Maria.
"hey, we went to see arrival. we should be out at the same time as you guys. sorry! dont be angry! ;)." Herc and I, alike in our ways, went up to the front to buy tickets for arrival, which was starting in ten minutes. We then refilled our food and entered the theater. As soon as the movie started, I could tell it was scads better than the rom-com. I was enraptured. At a certain point, I spared a second of the movie to look at Herc. He seemed to feel the same way. The story progressed  phenomenally, and by the end I was pondering common sense and the boundaries it placed on the mind. I walked out of the theater in awe, only to be met by the scowling faces of Maria and James. Maria's eyes were a bit red.
"Really? We saw you left the theater and left to look for you. We were nervous something happened!" James said angrily.
"Oh, I texted Maria, I thought you guys would be okay with our leaving..." Maria flushed.
"What?!" James bellowed. "We were looking, we missed the movie for them, and Peggy texted you?!"
"Uh," Maria stammered. I saw the look on her face and became immediately concerned. I had to take back what I said.
"Oh um I guess I didn't remember to text her, I'm really sorry. That was irresponsible of me."
"Oh," said James, calming down. Herc looked a bit confused about the whole situation.
"So, how was the movie?" James cheerily made conversation. Despite my bewilderment about his sudden mood change, I began talking about the movie. It was hard to stop, and soon we were all in a good mood.

A/N~ Oh my gosh guys. I am so sorry for my lack of updates! I hope to do better, but honestly I'm not very consistent with my writing...I'm so sorry! I won't end this book, of course, but I can't promise I will update often, although I will try. Also, thank you all so much for continuing to read this and add it to reading lists. I appreciate all your support so very much, and I hope I update it enough to deserve it! ;) The next chapter might be in Maria's POV! Love y'all!

I am Peggy (a platonic Peggy x Maria High School AU Fanfiction) *STOPPED*Where stories live. Discover now