Chapter 6

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Maria didn't text me that weekend. She normally did, updating me on about anything. When I saw her at school, she acted the same as always. I tried bringing up her lack of communication on Sunday, but she dodged my questions. At lunch, as always, I sat by her side, James on the other. It was then she told me she was going to try out for the cheer squad.
"It would be fun! You should do it too. You and I, cheering for our strong boyfriends." She said this last part while squeezing James's shoulder.
"Whaddya say?"
"I have a lot of homework, and I want to keep up with my studies."
"Peg, do you even have hobbies?"
"Yes!" I responded, slightly offended. "I read, listen to music, spend time with you—"
"Yeah, but like any real hobbies?" She interjected.
"What fits in that category exactly?"
"Sports, extracurriculars?"
"I'm in Model UN and Debate club."
"Not those! Peg, you are signing up for cheerleading this season. The tryout is Thursday after school. You have two days to convince your parents. No backing out." I knew that the convincing wouldn't be the problem, but that the courage would. Could I be peppy and perfect like the other girls? I doubted it, but I had begun to follow whatever Maria said.
So I asked. My parents were more than happy for me to join the team, and even offered to pay for my uniform. As soon as I told them, they said:
"Oh Peggy, we're so excited that you are trying a sport!" I was glad that I had their support, but I was kind of uncomfortable with the whole idea. Did I really not do anything interesting? The try outs came soon enough, and I had a chance to do something interesting. Maria and I went together to the gym on Thursday, her like she was already a cheerleader, me like I didn't want to be. (A/N~someone please make fan art of confident Maria and quiet Peggy.) The cheerleaders greeting the small group of hopefuls with a small routine, with a school cheer and some tricks. They then told us that we would be practicing every day after school except for game days and Wednesday's—if we made the squad. They started calling people up, having them do a small routine they had told us about before try outs. They also asked us about our previous experience and what tricks we could do. I of course had no experience, in cheer or gymnastics. Maria had been a gymnast and was oozing confidence. She was the most qualified of all of us. So she auditioned. I could see the surprised looks on the faces of the squad members. She was really amazing.
"Why hasn't she already tried out?" The cheer captain whispered to another squad member.
"I'm actually a new student," Maria interjected. They looked at her, impressed with her confidence.
"Oh, okay." Then it was my turn. I went up, almost shaking. They asked questions, I giving answers that made me seem entirely unqualified. I could see the disappointment in their eyes. They clearly needed some more members. I began the routine, feeling a bit more confident as I went through the motions. By the end, I felt much better, but I was no where near as good as Maria. After me, a few more people tried out. Most were worse then me. When the last one went up, everyone in the group rolled their eyes. The girl had an egotistical aura. When she finished stumbling through the routine, the squad began to converse quietly. There were so little people who auditioned that the members were announced after a bit of deliberation.
"Um, so we only need a few more members so we'll have Maria, Lara, Peggy, Sofia, and John." Maria smiled, and looked at me. I was dumbstruck. Had they really called my name?
"We need you guys to come and get some forms. And to the rest of you, sorry, maybe next year." I hopped down from bleachers, still stupefied. On the bottom step was a girl that seemed close to tears. I walked up to her. I was nervous because I didn't know her, but I couldn't leave her without trying to help.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah," she sniffled. "It's just that I've tried out every year, and still haven't gotten in. I'm a senior, and I definitely won't get in during college."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. What's your name?"
"Lara.." she said weakly.
"Wait, you did make the squad!"
"Yeah, come with me." She was really surprised, but in seconds she processed my statement. Her face lit up with the success of her persistence.
"You coming to my house Saturday ?"
"No, James and I are going out."
"Oh." I hadn't said anything about her relationship with James since the weekend.
"I can come on Sunday though!"
"Okay! Can't wait!" I just hoped nothing was wrong.

Finally, sorry this is horrible, I have to sleep, bye!

I am Peggy (a platonic Peggy x Maria High School AU Fanfiction) *STOPPED*Where stories live. Discover now