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*rework of an old poem I love.*

Cookies and cream.
Cookies and vanilla spice and pink frosting and candles when I saw you at that party and you were ever so pretty. From that day, I knew you were the one.
Cookies and nervous giggles -the drive through theatre has the new Tarentino movie on, I was hoping you could go with me.
Cookies and pumpkin spice and crisp autumn days. We carved a pumpkin together, don't you remember and we had a food fight with its insides?
Cookies and the aesthetic vampire was you on our fist kiss. You scared half to fucking death that night, and my heart stopped when you were dancing in the moonlight. Trick or treat!
Cookies and merry Christmas, I got you that necklace with the heart because you stole mine and you cried that day because you had a cold, but those romcoms was the perfect day. 
Cookies and the new year, my fortune said I would never be alone
Cookies and I can't cope with Fridays You began to get tired as I watched the rain with you together.
Cookies and just one more to make it go away, I thought those cakes were the only thing to make you smile.
Cookies and it can't harm me or anyone, I found you on the floor with the knife again
Cookies and maybe hope is my only true friend but I will keep loving you for the rest of eternity
Cookies and vomit stale stains on the floor.
Cookies as a constellation for what the doctor told you
Cookies wrapped in pretty ribbons, passed to you on a bedside table.
Cookies and your hopes wishing to get well soon.
Cookies crumbling, after going stale next to the wilted flowers.
Cookies left at home for only God can save them now.
Cookies and the hand holding, which you didn't understand anymore.
Cookies and it will do you good to eat food.
Cookies and cards bought on that pink frosting day.
Cookies, laid out on the table; next to wilted flowers and pink frosting.
Cookies and "those were always her favorites!"
Cookies and black coffins, lowered down into the depths.
Cookies and I couldn't say goodbye.
Cookies and cream.
Cookies and... I can't
Cookies and... no
Cookies and stop.

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