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What the fuck happened to the days when people would have one or two books and actually work on them? 1/2 the books on Wattpad are abandoned, prologues with maybe one or two chapters.

This annoys the fuck out of me. Okay? I don't want to read prologues all day. I like reading actual books, by actual people who are working on a story and take pride in it. Not some prologue that seems good. 

It's stupid and silly how many books some of the biggest authors have on this site. Their books are mostly coming soon, and probably will never be writen. 

There is something called self control. If you have an idea, use your fucking self control and leave it as a draft or something. Don't post a prologue, wait six months, start writing it, and say "So and so copied me" 

If you leave a book up as coming soon for that long, don't blame someone for copying you. You left the idea up, and people probably assumed it was never going to be started. 

I actually have several books in my drafts, and I really am excited to write them. 

So maybe use some of that self control and hold your idea's, focus on one.

That's what real authors do in this big world, k? Write them down in a journal or something and hold onto them, because they may become something big if you actually fucking write them. 

Writing is not posting a prologue every other day.

I do know many writers on this site though, who do take time and effort into their stories. They enjoy writing, and actually take time in their stories. Kayla [@gladiate] is a great example. She never kept Orphan on hold, she only put it as [slow updates] and I respect her for that. 

There are just a few exceptions of people on this site who dont understand the fundamentals of real writing and it pisses me off.

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