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Sometimes this site is just annoying. Not annoying, but when i look at the bright orange in contrast to the grayness I feel, it bugs me. 

I'm not sure if I was blind when I made my account, but now I can see. I can see how terrible the people on this site are. We are all terrible and guilty of cyber bullying, and harrassing. We are all guilty of not being ourselves at one point.

I hate that a keyboard can change you and one site can have such a big influence on my life. In both good and bad. 

Good. I've become more humorous and laid back, and I can take a joke. I enjoy new habits and you won't be surprises to see me writing poetry after a math test now.

Bad. Lately, a lot of the people on this site are going through issues and I feel that they affect me. I'm so attach]ted to this site and when no one is on or talking to me I feel empty. Sometimes even if I try talking to me I still feel empty

Today, I feel empty. I had finals all week and came on today hoping to be so happy. But the misfortune events of this day on this site have made me feel so lonely. People logged off because of drama, and aren't replying to me. 

And I thank you if you have pm'd me today, because it brought me a sense of filling. But I'm not full. I still feel empty and I hate this feeling. I hate not knowing why I feel so lonely. Sometimes I'm just tired but other times its stress. It's odd not having the stress of finals around. 

I'm just tired I think. I don't even know why I logged onto this account.

Writing helps me. 

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