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Artemis picture above

Artemis Hunt was a normal girl until the incident happened. At least as normal as a five year old witch could be.

Her parents were expert potion makers. Her Mum, Amelia Ward, was a half-blood witch who had meet her dad, Michel Hunt, when they went to Hogwarts. Both of her parents had been Ravenclaw's, which suited them both quite well. After the fifth year, they had started dating and the rest was history.

They lived in a normal sized house, away from muggles curious eyes. There potion work had caused for them to be rich, but they preferred a peaceful life, so they decided not to live anywhere close to the hustle of the wizarding world.

The outside of there house was beautiful, covered with plants of all colors and sizes. They weren't planted very neatly, but it wasn't chaos either. There tiny little paradise was just organized chaos.

She had three siblings, Ember, Willow and Zephyr. They were all triplets excluding Ember who was two years younger then Artemis and they all lived very happily together as one big happy family.

That one, big happy family was about to be destroyed and turned into a fearful family.

Artemis giggled, "You can't get me!" She taunted, running around the room.

Her and Ember were playing together in the house while their parents were sleeping and Willow and Zephyr were playing outside together. Currently, they were in the marble kitchen.

Ember dove after her, saying, "In dweams Arty!"

Artemis ran from Ember. "But in my dreams, I dream of winning!"

Artemis dove under the table, Ember soon followed. No matter how much she ran and hid, Ember always seemed to catch up.

Ember chased Artemis all the way to, what they referred to as 'Mummy and Daddy's work place.' They usually weren't allowed inside. No one was allowed inside but Mummy and Daddy. That was the only rule of the house.

Ember looked at Artemis. "Go tewe or I call you Sibby."

Artemis paled drastically. "Not Sibby!" She exclaimed, placing her hand in her chest dramatically.

"Yes Sibby." Ember confirmed, nodding her head solemnly.

Artemis looked around nervously. "Won't I get in trouble?" She asked.

"Yes Arty. You get in big twouble." Ember replied bluntly. That's Ember for you. Artemis thought. Never the one to lie. Even if it means getting in trouble.

Artemis slowly pushed the door open. It creaked so loudly, Artemis was surprised her parents hadn't heard her yet.

The room was made of stone and reminded Artemis of the picture her parents had of a big castle they called 'Hogwarts.' Apparently, that's where she was going to go to learn magic when she got older. Her parents had also mentioned that's where they meet, but Artemis wasn't sure since she always covered her ears whenever they mentioned how they meet. So did Willow, Ember and Zephyr.

On each side of the forbidden room was a bookcase. On one side, the book shelf held books like it was supposed to. On the other side were a bunch of glass bottles, some contains a different color for each potion. Others carrying potion ingredients to use.

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