Chapter Five

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Orion picture above

"-and remember class." Professor Flitwick squeaked, "Flish and swick." 

Lily, Marlene and Artemis all got to work on the levitation charm, Wingardium Leviosa.

A lot of kids had been dying to do the charm once they saw Professor Flitwick levitate a  kid's quill pen out of his hand when he had been doodling during class.

And by 'a lot of kids' she basically meant Marlene and Lily. 

Marlene's face scrunched up as she pointed her wand at the feather and said, "Wingardium leviosa." She said. 

The feather did absolutely nothing.

Marlene frowned. 

Lily smirked. What Artemis had noticed about the red headed girl was that every time she went to class and they learned a new spell, Lily had to be the first one to accomplish it. If she didn't finish first, then she'd be pouting all day.

Or at least she think Lily would. The problem was, that expect in Qiudditch, Lily seemed to be the smartest.

That is what we call being over completive. She thought.

Lily said, "It goes like this." She brought out her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The feather slowly began to rise into the air. Marlene glared at it like it was her sworn enemy.

Lily smirked even wider. "You see, you have to roll out the O, Marls. Otherwise it won't work." She whispered to Marlene.

Professor Flitwick looked delighted, "Miss. Evans has done it." He squeaked, "Five points to Gryffindor."   

Lily was beaming like a puppy when ever it got praised. Marlene was glaring and the Ravenclaws were glaring too. Probably because a Gryffindor had beat them in something academically.

Artemis was rolling her eyes at all of them and there inability to keep there feelings to themselves.

Artemis decided to concentrate on her own feather. Practicing the "swish and flick" a couple of times, she muttered, "Wingardium leviosa."

Her feather slowly hovered about an inch off her desk.

She smiled a tiny smile.

Three days later, after breakfast on Saturday, Lily, Marlene and Artemis were waking in the hallway with the crowd of kids when it happened.

"Come on Snivellus, don't you want to 'hit the books'?"

Snivellus? Oh Merlin no.

Laughter erupted from the growing number of kids joining the crowd.

Lily was fuming as she shoved her way in to get a better look at what was happening, and once Artemis saw, she wasn't very surprised why.

In the middle of the circle was Severus. He was on the ground, jumping up and down, trying to get his flying books.

Only a sentence like that could make much sense in the Wizarding world.

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