Chapter Six

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November had proved no different then October. Eat, drink, sleep, go to classes and do your homework were all that seemed to go on. With the occasional bullying for Severus.

Artemis and Marlene were talking, well Lily was hanging out with Severus. Artemis and Marlene had tried to hang out with him, but the awkwardness was so thick, you could have cut it with a knife. Preferably a kitchen knife. Also, he seemed, it was probably just her imagination, but he seemed jealous that they were hanging out with Lily.

".....And then he fell into the well." Marlene said, continuing her story.

"No!" Artemis exclaimed loudly. The people around them all looked at her curiously. She flushed and waved awkwardly.

After everyone had gone back to there business, both girls looked at each other, and started to laugh hysterically.

After they had stoped laughing, Marlene ended her story, breathless. "So Great-Aunt Bertie, she just rolled her eyes and muttered that the same thing happened to my dad when he was visiting her when he was a kid. Since the bucket was already in the water, she just started to pull it up, and we found Willam sitting in the basket."

Artemis snorted by the absolute absurdity of what happened.

"My mum was really scared, and after we got him out, she started a fire with her wand, transformed a rock into a blanket, and she wrapped it around him and insisted he sit by the fire. But my mum almost fainted after he told her he wanted to do it again. And that-my dear friend, is why my brother is not allowed near wells."

Artemis giggled. "Even now?" She asked.

"Yup." Marlene said. "My mum's way to over protective. I mean he's nine and she treats him like he's two." She paused. "But then again, she treats Horace like he's two, and he's fifteen."

They were interrupted by a storming Lily.

"Um...Lily. I hate to sound rude, but, um, your red. I mean, your face is red, your hair is always red. Like a tomato. Unless you dyed it. Or your a meta-" Artemis was saved from her ramblings as Lily grabbed there hands and forced them to sit down on the ground.

"Uh...Lily. We're sitting on the ground." Marlene said.

Lily ignored them as she finally bursts and told them why was annoying her so much.

"That stupid-no good-loathsome group of boys!" She snarled.

Marlene and Artemis looked at each other, each battling for who would talk first. Unfortunately for Artemis, Marlene won there little competition.

Artemis sighed reluctantly. "What did they do this time?" She asked.

Lily's face looked like it was on fire. "Those idiots!" She said again, "They made fun of Severus and his hair! And when I tried to stop them, they called me a tomato! A tomato! A tomato, just because I have red hair! I swear on Merlin's shaggy beard-or however it goes-that those stupid boys ar-."

"Lily, calm down." Marlene said.

"I will not calm down!"

"Look, I personally love tomatoes! You like tomatoes to, right Arty?"

"Um....actually I don't." Artemis answered truthfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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