Chapter One

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Artemis picture above

Six years later...

Seven children were walking in King's Cross Station. They all had carts and trunks. People looked at them oddly as they walked too their station.

Artemis stopped in between platforms 9 and 10. The barrier between the two platforms stood right in front of her.

"Headcount." She announced out loud. They're was a lot of groaning and shuffling, but they all got into a line.

She began to pay each head one by one while she said their names.

"Willow, check. Ember, check. Zephyr, check. River, check. Orion, check. Luke, check. Okay," she declared. "Everyone's here. Ember, remember, you can't come onto the train with us."

Ember crossed her arms and began to sulk. "I thought you would forget about that." She muttered angrily.

Artemis rolled her eyes. "Ember," she began sternly, "you'll be at Hogwarts before you know it. It's only two years away."

Ember just grunted.

Artemis rolled her eyes again.

Orion cleared his throat and gestured to the wall. "Luke, do you want to go?" He asked.

Orion the peace maker, Artemis thought.

Luka made a playful bow. "Why certainly, brother dear."

Luke ran into the wall, instead of crashing though, he simply vanished.

Willow exhaled."Good," She said relieved. "I was afraid we were going through the wrong one."

Willow followed Luke into the wall.

Orion and River left, leaving Artemis and Ember alone.

Artemis gestured at the wall. "Together." She said.

Ember took hold of her hand and they both ran through the wall.

Artemis sighed in relief after they ran through the wall. When she was younger, her parents had always told her how to get to Hogwarts. She had always believed that they were lying. But they weren't.

After she had breathed, she could fully appreciate the scenery. The Hogwarts express gleamed in the sunlight. Families hugged their 'ow so precious' children, saying good bye and promising to write to them everyday with the kids asking them not to because it wouldn't look 'cool'. 

Artemis immediately spotted a red headed girl who seemed to be arguing with her horse faced sister by the looks of it. Or her horse faced cousin. Which ever one of the two.

Ember tugged at Artemis's hand bringing her back to reality.

"So..." She began. "Are you absolutely sure I can't go to Hogwarts?"

"Ember! For the last time! NO!"

"I was just asking..." she muttered under her breath.

Artemis rolled her eyes. For about the hundredth time today. And that was just talking about Ember... Talking about the rest of them...probably more then the earth had been around for.

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