Chapter Four

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Ember picture above

Artemis couldn't believe that two weeks had already passed at Hogwarts.

Charms was taught by a tiny man named Professor Flitwick. He seemed like a pretty good professor and didn't give them too much homework. He ended the lesson with making a book fly.

Transfiguration was taught by Professor McGonagall, who was the head of the Gryffindor house. Strict and clever, she had the first lesson on transfiguring a match to a needle. Four people had succeeded, herself included. Lily had also succeeded well Marlene had only transfigured her match grey without the point of a needle.

Potions was taught by Professor Slughorn. He was a rather large and chubby man in her opinion. He had set them to work on making the Draught of Living death. It had been with the Slytherins, so Lily and Severus had worked together well Marlene and Artemis had paired up. Professor Slughorn couldn't get enough of Lily or Severus's potion.

For some reason, he seemed pretty interested in Artemis. He had commented on their potion and kept on asking her if her parents were Amelia and Micheal Hunt, in she would reply in an exasperated yes.

Astronomy was taught at twelves o'clock (which involved Artemis's complaining and Lily practically dragging her to the class.) Professor Sinistra had them look through telescopes and memorize the names of different stars.(One boy kept on bragging about his name when they learned about the dog star Sirius. She couldn't help but pity the parents who were stuck raising him.)

Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught by Professor Lasley, a tan women with chestnut brown hairs and sharp gray eyes. She taught the class quite well in Artemis's option and all they usually had for homework was to write down reasons why learning Defense Against the Dark Arts was important.

Herbolgy was taught by a plump little woman named Professor Sprout. Each class they learned about some weird, yet interesting plant. Like the Armonia , which had little violet flowers growing out of its ten stems. Including the main stem, it technically had eleven stems.

History of Magic was the defiantly the most boring class of them all. Taught by Professor Binns, he never taught anything that Artemis considered interesting. He was all so the only ghost Professor. Maybe that's why all he ever did was drawl on and on and on.

Nothing has really happened that was exciting. Flying lessons were starting today. Marlene seemed very excited. Lily seemed worried.

As for Artemis, well, maybe she would like it.

If she wasn't scared of getting her feet off the ground that is.

When they got to the courtyard, they were about five minutes early.

"Come on guys." Marlene said, "It's not that scary!"

Artemis pulled her hand from Marlene's, "Say's the girl who won't shut up about Quidditch and how good she is at being a Keeper."

Marlene flushed,"What, I am!"

Lily said optimistically, "Well at least Sev is with us."

Marlene rolled her eyes, "Why do you hang out with him?" She complained, "He's creepy! Plus, he's a snake!"

Lily frowned,"He is not creepy!" She snapped, "And there's nothing wrong with Slytherins for your information."

Marlene rolled her eyes.

As other students piled in, the teacher arrived and introduced herself. "I'm Madam Hooch. Now. Each of you, line up next to a broom."

There was an intense scrambling to stand next to a broom. The boy Artemis recognized as the boy with glasses who had teased Lily and Severus rather rudely pushed her out of the way to get a broom.

"Rude." She muttered.

Eventually, she found a broom next to Marlene.

Madam Hooch continued, "Good. Now I'm the count of three I want you to say up. One, two, three."

"Up." Everyone shouted.

Marlene's broom went straight into her hand. Marlene smiled happily to herself. Lily's had just rolled over. Severus got the worst luck out of them all. His broom hit him in the head.

Artemis's broom however, was hover half way to her hand. It simply floated half from the ground, but half from her hand.

Artemis glared at the stupid thing. "Up." She snapped.

The broom flew right into her hand.

She smiled, "Good broom." She said.

"Um, are you talking to your broom?" Marlene asked her.

"No." She said defensively.

Madam Hooch said, "Now, on the count of three, I want you to mount your brooms, and kick off into the air. One, two, three!"

Artemis kicked off into the air, not allowing herself to hover more then one foot off the ground.

Marlene rose high up in the air. Lily was griping her broom terrified and Severus's hadn't even gone up.

All Artemis could think as she hovered in the air was that this lesson was going to be a very long one.

Artemis was practically kissing the ground after that flying lesson. Same with Lily.

As they headed to the Great Hall for lunch, she could see Marlene's delight over the flying lesson.

"How could you like that stupid thing?" Lily moaned.

"What? It's fun, isn't it?" Marlene said.

Lily glared at her. "Does it look like I had fun?" She snapped.

Artemis intertwined before the argument could go any further. "Guys, were here." She said.

They walked to the Gryffindor table and began to eat. As Artemis ate, she wondered how Lily and Marlene had become friends in the first place. Sure, she was there, but it was still hard to believe.

Marlene was more playful, stubborn, sarcastic and didn't care to much about her studies. Lily on the other hand was strict, smart, stubborn, and cared a lot about her studies. The only two things those two shared were being Gryffindors and there stubbornness.

She was more of the middle point in her opinion. Well she did care about her studies, she was more chill when it came to them then Lily. She was stubborn and sarcastic like Marlene though.

Well she was lost in her thoughts, Marlene and Lily were both looking at her expectingly. Snapping out of her daze she asked, "Huh?"

Marlene rolled her eyes, "Such intelligent words Artemis."

Artemis flushed and defended herself saying, "It's not like you always pay attention either."

Before Marlene could retort, Lily intertwined. It seemed like at one point or another, they needed each other to interrupt before anything got out of hand. "Marls asked if you knew all the names of everyone in Gryffindor."

Artemis looked at her confused, "Am I suppose to?"

"No." Marlene said. "I was just wondering."

Artemis looked at her and rolled her eyes. Just wondering? She thought. I'll believe that the day Ember stops pestering me to go to Hogwarts.

Hi guys! I think there's something wrong with my phone cause it STILL won't put spaces in between my work! I'm so sorry if it's just a big mush, but I think it's just my phone.

Anyway, remember to read, comment and vote!

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