c h a p t e r . f o u r

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Hello everyone! Back to school huh? Oh the joys of school... yawn... xD

But hey! we get to see our friends right? :3

So I hope you enjoy this chapter because I am going to be planning for the next one tomorrow I hope.

Thanks for reading. Remember to vote and comment if you like. ^^


c h a p t e r . f o u r


I've left behind my freedom - to take an unknown path that awaits me and Colton. Who knows what we shall discover and learn, but I hope it does lead to what we need to do, which is to create this paradise because I think the purpose for every man of getting the chance to live is to be free.

Me and Colton have warped through time in the spiral of bright white and have entered into what I think is an underground cave. A mysterious cave; no one has visited because the dusty golden ground has been untouched until now. The only light in here is the glowing crystals dotted around us and the calm glow lights up our faces nicely - its majestic, even the environment lets no escape of the lingering smell of chilly rocks scenting away as if it was painted in silver.

            Each step I am taking, I feel like I have crushed a piece of the cave's heart because it feels that fragile in here. And with Colton and Lexie joining in it sure doesn't feel right and welcoming here.

                    "This place is magical." Colton whispers, "What do you think?" he ask while he gazes into the glowing alabaster crystals.

I keep in mind the question because I haven't completely thought about this place. However it does feel like I know it. I think I have read about a place filled with crystals but I couldn't put my finger on it.

                    "Hmm... I think this place is beautiful..." I reply, thinking away for the answer I am itching for, then it comes to me, "Ah! I might not be right but I'm sure sticking to this. But this cave must be Crystal Cave." adding my last thoughts, I follow behind him whilst he continues to keep his eyes on the crystals as if he was somewhat charmed. We move down deeper into the cave. He should really be watching where he treads - danger could be lurking.

He seems to be quiet, odd; I thought he enjoys talking, if I was him I would have conversations with anyone nearby after being alone for years in a decaying world. Taking a quick look out over him to double check he is being careful and not diving in blindly however noticing him slightly drawing closer to the rocky gleaming wall makes me a little worried because I am convinced that the craggy crystals of guidance are not friendly. 

I know I need to take this mission a little more serious simply because we are dealing with the future, but for him to gaze at the crystals waiting for hope to flow out of each and every one of them is not helping.

                    "Um... Colton," I say in a curious with a hint of seriousness tone while I extend my right arm out towards him, poking him civilly on his shoulder, "What are you doing? If you don't mind me asking."

As I wait for some kind of reply - expecting the answer to be near enough about 'wonder where we are going' or 'I hope this cave doesn't us to long', or perhaps somewhere along the lines.

Spotting him shake his head softly which suggests he wasn't paying any attention since he entered here, he continues to tread in deeper - following the pathway of the close walls and due to the fact that this isn't an open cave, then I suddenly realise, how on earth did we fit in here?

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