Chapter 4: Secrets Will Be Told

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"Selena come on, let's go," Emma called from downstairs.

"I'm coming, jeez," I screamed back.

It's been a whole week. A whole week since I've seen my father or even visited my mother. I was planning on going later today after we meet up with the boys. They've been keeping my minds of everything. We all are really close best friend, especially me and Zayn. My feelings for him still haven't changed but I'm trying to forget, but I just can't.

I walked down and we both got in the car and headed towards the boys flat. We knocked on the door and Liam opened it. He gave each of us a hug before going back to Danielle. Me, Emma, Eleanor, and Danielle been spending a lot of time together with shopping. Perrie doesn't come because she's to busy with her new song but I get the feeling she doesn't come because of me. She's always giving me fake smiles and glaring at me when I'm not looking.

"Sel!" I heard Zayn call out I turned to him and gave him a huge bear hug which he returned. He calls me Sel now because he wants me to have a nickname.

"Zaynie!" I call back and he frowns.

"I don't like that nickname," he answered.

"Well I do," I say. He kisses my cheek and I could feel the blood rising in my cheeks. I walk into the living room before I embarrass myself more.

The boys tackle me into a hug before doing the same to Emma. I smile at Eleanor and Danielle and sit next to them.

"Hey girly," Eleanor said.

"Hey El," I said.

I saw Perrie sitting in the corner glaring at me. Once she noticed I was staring she smiled at me but it was totally fake. I smiled back and hope it didn't look as fake as I wanted it to be.

Zayn came running inside the room and jumping next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"We're gonna release our album soon, its called Midnight Memories," he said.

"Really? I can't wait to hear it!" I exclaimed. He smiled at me.

"You will soon. We just need one more song than we're done on the album but we don't know yet," he said.

"I'm sure you'll get a new song soon," I said and gave him a hug. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"ZAYN!!" A high pitched scream came from someone in front of us. I looked up and saw Perrie glaring at me.

"Yes?" Zayn asked.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST KISS HER? YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SITTING WITH ME!" she screamed and I felt my ear drums about to explode.

"Perrie, it was just a kiss on the cheek. She's my best friend I can do whatever I want. I don't always have to sit with you," he said and got up.

"Fine, talk to me when you realize that you're MY boyfriend," she screamed and ran out of the flat, slamming the front door. Zayn let out a frustrated sigh but sat down next to me.

"Aren't you going to chase after her?" I asked him.

"She needs to cool off," he mumbled. I nod at him and check the time on my phone. It was 3:45 pm.

"Hey guys, I have to go somewhere, I'll see you later," I said. Zayn got up with me.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked.

"Somewhere," I mumbled. I haven't told them about my dark past. I will soon because I actually trust them but I just don't know when the right time is. I don't want them to pity me. I hate that.

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