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Steph's Point of View

So we ended up telling our parents. My expectation from was they will get really mad, scold us because were too young to have a relationship and all the kind of stuff but I guess I thought wrong.

"THAT'S GREAT NEWS HONEY!" My mom literally yelled that on the top of her lungs. "WONDERFUL! This party won't go to waste! We'll have to extend the time." My aunt announced. I was a bit overwhelmed by their reactions. Especially our dads. "Nice job son." My uncle patted Josh's back and then looked at me, "Welcome to the family of Castillo." He smiled and I returned the smile too. "You picked the right person, dear." My dad rested his hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. Of course, I did returned the smile. Then my mom went to the stage to announce about us.

"Everyone, can I have your attention?" Everyone went silent. "I would like to make an announcement, this was probably the best news I have received this year. My daughter, Stephanie and my best friend's son, Josh are finally together! Cheers for Stephanie and Josh!"

Everyone picked up their glasses and raised it to the air and said "CHEERS!" Everyone applauded. I was really overwhelmed by this. I looked at Josh, who was looking down at me.

"See, were good aren't we?"

"I guess we are."

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