The bugs are coming

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Me, Sam, and Dean were driving through Oasis Plains until Dean pulled into one of the new houses lane way.
"Dean what are you doing?" I asked slightly annoyed. All I wanted to do was get back to the hotel room and go to bed.
"I want to try out one of these steam showers!" Dean said while he got out of the car to open the garage door so he could park the impala in there.
"So what we're going to squat in an empty house?" Sam asked.
"That's the plan Sammy," Dean said.
****time skip to the next morning****
I hate to admit it but sleeping in the new bed that the house had gave me the best sleep I've had in a while. It was only 6:40 when I woke up so I got showered and dressed in some maroon skinny jeans, a black tank top, my favourite leather jacket, and some black combat boots. Because I had extra time I added some purple eye liner, mascara and straightened my hair. When I checked my phone I had 3 texts from Matt.
"Hey it's Matt 😊"
"I had a really good time with you today"
The newest message was from 6:10 this morning.
"Did you hear that Lynda the relator was found dead this morning? I hope that doesn't stop you from move here!"
"My oh my, isn't someone looking pretty today? That wouldn't have anything to do with your new boyfriend would it?" Dean asked me.
"He's not my boyfriend Dean." I replied.
"And you didn't answer my question." Dean smirked. " now that you have this new boyfriend" Dean said still smirking. "You can can get some information off him."
"Already ahead of you," I said. " the relator Lynda, she was found dead this morning."
"I'll tell Sammy to get dressed and we'll go check it out." Dean said.
****time skip to the crime scene*****
When we got to Lynda's house it was covered in crime scene do not cross tape.
"Here to visit again," Larry asked.
"Yeah, where to see the neighbourhood. What's going on?" Sam asked.
"You remember Lynda? The relator? From yesterday, she was found dead this morning." Larry said. You could see that he was upset about Lynda's passing.
"Could I speak to you a minute Mr. Pike?" A policeman asked.
"Of course," Larry replied. "Excuse me."
"We need to get into that house." I said. "Follow me." I lead Sam and Dean to the back of the house so that we could climb through Lynda's still open windows. Once we got into her house you could tape were Lynda's body was found. On the ground was a towel and when Dean went to pick it up spiders fell out of it.
"Spider boy," Dean mumbled
"Larry's kid is into bugs isn't he?" Dean asked me.
"His name is Matt," I said defensively.
"He tried to scare Lynda with his pet spider yesterday." Sam said.
"You guys don't know Matt like I do, okay? He wouldn't do this," I told them. And Dean laughed.
"Don't know him like you do?" Dean questioned. "Sorry we didn't go up to his room yesterday and do God knows what to get to know him."
"We only talked Dean." I said through gritted teeth.
"Well sorry Care, but all fingers are pointing to your little boyfriend." Dean said.
As we were driving around in the impala later we seen Matt getting off his bus. And he was walking in the wrong direction of his house, into the forest. Sam and Dean got out of the impala and were about to follow Matt into the forest.
"Would you guys let me talk to him first, maybe I could get the information out of him." I asked. My brothers just looked at me. "Please." I said.
"Fine, but if anything happens you yell and me and Sam will get to you as soon as we can." Dean said.
"Thank you." I said as I head towards the forest to find Matt. When I seen Matt he was trying to get a stick bug into a jar.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey, you scared me" Matt said. Just as I was about to walk towards Matt I feel over a log and let out at little scream.
"You are really clumsy, aren't you?" Matt asked well laughing a bit.
"Just help me up, okay?" I said, laughing a little bit myself.
Just as Matt was helping me up Sam and Dean came running.
"Get away from her." Dean yelled as he pulled me away from Matt.
"We herd you yell," Sam said.
"Yeah, because I tripped over that log." I said point at the log I had tripped on.
" Matt was just helping me up." I finished. Dean pushed me behind him.
"So did you hear that Lynda died this morning," Sam asked.
"You guys aren't here to buy a house are you?" Matt replied.
"Spider bites," Dean hissed at Matt.
"Wait you think that I had something to do with this?" Matt questioned.
"No." I told Matt.
"Yes." Dean spoke over me.
"Even if I did have something to do with it, there was still the construction worker and the bee attack." Matt said.
"You know about that?" Sam asked.
"Follow me, I want to show you guys something. The bugs are acting weird." Matt said
"If you know the bugs are acting weird why didn't you tell your dad?" Sam asked.
"Larry doesn't exactly listen to me." Matt said with a little attitude.
"Look Matt in a couple of years something great is going to happen, collage." Sam said
"That's great advice Sam." Dean said." Why don't you give him advice on how to respect his dad?" Sam and Dean has to turn the struggles Matt was having into our family issues, but luckily before an argument could start we reached the spot where Matt wanted to show us. There was a hole in the ground full of earth worms. Dean took a stick and push down, he could tell there was something in there. Dean picked through the worms and found a skull. After we headed out of the forest Dean set up an appointment with the head of the anthropology department at the local university. Before we headed to the appointment we dropped Matt off at home.
"Text me later, okay?" I asked Matt.
"Of course." Matt said giving me a smile.
*****time skip at the university******
"So you are in my class?" The professor asked.
"Yes, anthro 101" Dean said.
"You look quite young to be in my class," the professor said to me.
"What can I say, I'm a genius," I smirked. And Sam shot me a glare.
"Anyways what can you tell us about these bones?"Sam questioned.
"Well they are about 150 years old." The professor said. " given on the time period and the location I'd say Native American." With that information we were head to the local Native American reservation. Dean parked the impala in the parking lot of the restaurant.
"Joe Whitside?" I asked an elderly man sitting in a booth by himself playing solitaire.
"We're students from the university," Dean said.
"No your not." Joe said. Dean looked surprised that someone had finally caught onto one of his lies.
"The truth is," Sam started but was cut off.
"You know who starts sentences with truth is? Liars." Joe said.
I finally stepped in before my brothers said another wrong thing.
"Do you know Oasis Plains? It's a new housing complex?" I asked as I sat down on the other side of the booth.
"I like her," Joe said. "She doesn't lie." I smirked slightly at Sam and Dean.
"Do you know anything about the history of the land there?" Sam asked.
"Why do you want to know?" Joe asked Sam.
"Something bad is going to happen if we don't find out." I told Joe.
" I can tell you what my grandfather told me and what his grandfather told him." Joe started. "The white man did horrible things to the people of the village, the murdered, the raped, the spread disease. On the 6th day of there attack the came into the village and killed every man, women, and child that was left. But they say that as the chief to his last breath he promised that no white man would ever settle on that ground again and none would survive." Joe finished. After we left the restaurant all the pieces of information Joe told us game together.
"Wait what day did we get her?" I asked Sam and Dean frantically.
'Tuesday why?" Sam said.
"Then today's the 6th day." I told them.
"Larry and his family won't last the night," Dean said.
"But matts there, we need to get there now!" I said running to get in the impala "let's go!" yelled again at Sam and Dean.
Dean called Larry trying to get them to leave.
"Hi this is Travis barker, with Oklahoma gas and power. There seems to have been a gas leak. I'm going to need you to take your family and leave for 12 hours." Dean said.
"I've worked with Travis for years, now who really is this." Larry said back. Dean slammed his phone and yelled "damnit!"
"You tried it your way, now it's my turn." I said, picking up my phone and calling Matt.
"Hey Matt." I said
"Care what's going on? There are cockroaches all over my back yard!" Matt said back.
"Matt a lot more bugs are coming, I need you to take your parents and get out of the house." I told him.
"But how, my dad won't listen." Matt told me.
" I want you to fake a pain on your right side, okay? Tell your parents you need to go the the hospital." I said. "Can you do that Matt?" I asked.
"Yes I can do that," Matt said.
"Okay do it now, bye Matt."
"Bye Care," Matt said.
As well pulled up to Matts house we seen the car still in the driveway.
"Damnit! There still here!" Dean yelled. Matt and his dad were already standing out side.
" Matt" I yelled as I ran into his arms. "Are you okay?" I asked looking up at him.
"I'm fine, are you okay?" Matt asked.
"Get off my property, and stay away from my boy" Larry yelled at Sam and Dean.
"Dad, there just trying to help." Matt said with his arms still wrapped around my waist.
"Oh yeah trying to help with the big biblical bug storm that's coming, eh?" Larry said sarcastically.
"Look it's 12:30, it should started any minute now you need to get your family out of here." Sam tried to reason with Larry. But as soon as the words left Sam's mouth a swarm of bees appeared in the sky.
"Everybody in the house now!" Dean said full of authority.
"We need to put towels under every door, tape up the windows, and stuff the chimney!" Dean said, and everyone started working together trying to prepare for the worst, as the bees blanketed the house. You could hear the bees pushing through the blocked chimney trying to get in. As soon as the bees go into the house from the chimney everyone started to panic swatting everywhere so the bees couldn't stink them. the bees keep stinging my arms, whenever the stung it felt like little needles poking into my skin.
"Everyone up stairs now!" Dean yelled. While he sprayed bug spray with a lighter in front of the can making a huge flame which kept the bees away. Once we were up stairs Dean tried to hold the bees off for as long as possible as Larry tried to open the hatch for the upper level of the house . Waiting for Larry to open it were the longest moments of my life! Finally once everyone was in the upper level me and Matt huddled together. All we had to do was wait it out until morning then the curse would be over. That's all I thought about at mine and matts for heads were pushed together. Just like down stairs we could hear the bees chewing, trying to get into the house. And just like before the broke through and we were sent into a frenzy. But just as quickly as the bees bursted through they were gone, we had made it! We made it until morning. Happiness spread through everyone that we had made it through the night. Once we had all made it back down stairs Larry told his wife and Matt to pack and that they were leaving. Matt and I went to his room to start packing up his stuff. Once we were done we brought all the boxes down stairs, I realized me and Matt had to say goodbye. Matt was moving to a new town and I was going God knows where on a new hunt. I think the realization hit Matt to when we walked out side.
"So this is goodbye." I said weakly.
" I don't want it to be." Matt said.
"I don't want it to be either." I replied " but you know,"I continued. " Sam, Dean, and I move around a lot and the next time we're in the same state I'll make Dean drive me to you." I said with a smile.
"So this isn't goodbye, it's a see you later." Matt said a little bit happier.
"See you later Matt." I said and hugged him.
" I'll see you later Care." Matt said. Just as I went to walk away from Matt and get in the impala, Matt grabbed my arm and pressed his lips on mine. It left so right our lips moved in sink, his hand moved down to my waist where the fit perfectly. And my hands played in his hair. As we pulled away we put our foreheads together.
"Now you know I'll find you, because we're going to have to finish this." I said with a smirk. And I pushed our lips back together. A few seconds later Dean honked the impalas horn, and I knew it was time to go.
"We'll finish this soon," I said with our foreheads back together.
"Promise?" Matt asked.
" I promise," I said
"Let's go Care!" Dean yelled,
"You gotta go." Matt said.
"Yeah I do," I said, walking to the impala.
"AWwww puppy love," Dean said. As I sat down in the impala.
"Just drive," I told him, not wanting to leave Matt here.

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