Chapter 1 - Why Am I Attracted To You? V2

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Disclaimer before reading: For those familiar with these Alpha/HumanMate stories, the main female character (Macy) will be staying 100% human. She is not going to "find her wolf form" or anything like that, later on in the story it will be revealed why she has a connection to the wolf world, though being human herself. For those NOT familiar with these stories, all the "werewolf" terms (alpha, beta, mate, etc.) will be explained ASAP in the story. There's also a LOT of cursing. Thank you for reading. <3

I have not revised this yet. Sorry for any mistakes. Please correct me.


8:00. The school bell rang, rattling my ear drums.

Shit, shit, shit, I'm already late on the first day...

This school is gigantic. It has two floors, holding two thousand students. Do you know how hard it is to go from being in schools with less than a hundred students to being in this new school with two thousand of them?! I'm a senior, so everyone else will already have established their friend groups by now. I highly doubt I'll find any friends in the last year...

I looked around me. I was surrounded by lockers and white and green patterned tiles, freshly waxed for the new school year. There were three hallways I could choose from, all of which I had already looked down before. Where the hell is room 301?

Other students broke into a sprint after the bell rang, haphazardly running with their backpacks halfway open and hair a mess. Yep, those were the seniors, alright.

I could only stand there though. I had no idea where to go. By this point, I just tried to hope that my teacher would let me off the hook, seeing as I am a new student after all.

I would've asked another student for help, but everyone around me was in a rush. All of the teachers were already in the classrooms. I didn't even know where the front office was.

I groaned, mumbling to myself, "Fucking brilliant... Late on the first day. I give up." I slowly started to walk down the same hallway I had been through three times.

However, all of a sudden, the atmosphere around me changed. I felt tingles, goosebumps formed. Some students who were in a rush before walked cowardly now. I must just be seeing things funny. I decided to not pay attention to it, but it only kept getting stronger.

I have to find my class. Just ignore it...

I figured I was getting nervous from being late, so I decided to lean against a wall to catch my breath. I clutched the books in my hand, but that's when I noticed a tall, handsome guy coming straight towards me.

Shit, must be principal or something. I'm already in trouble.

I caught eye contact with him, watching him walk towards me threateningly. I had no idea why I was the target here. There were male students on each side of him, looking incredibly confused. I could faintly hear one of them call out to him, "Aidan? What are you doing?! We have to get to class!" But this guy - Aidan - wasn't fazed by them. I realized he was just another student now, which actually only made me feel worse. Had I already found a bully? I am the perfect target, after all: a 5'2" petite new girl, with no idea where she's going, already shaking like hell.

I subconsciously took a few steps back, wondering if I should run. He noticed, calling out to me, "Hold on, I just want to talk."

His voice made me weak; it was a deep, dark voice, adding onto his great looks. It was calming to hear his voice, but I was alarmed: He just wanted to talk?!

I was nervous, shakily responding to him now as he was closer, "I didn't do anything! I-I, um, I'm a n-new kid. I-I'm lost..." I mentally face palmed myself for sounding so weak.

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