Chapter 5 - Are You Scared of Me?

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We were alone. The light from the cafe gave us light and warmth outside. Aidan stood in front of me, smiling down at me, "You look great today."

He made me feel warm inside. I blushed, "Y-you too. Um, y'know it was nice of Jacob to drive for you."

We walked towards the door of the cafe, "Yeah, we always have each other's backs like that. Though I can drive perfectly well." He scoffed.

I stepped inside first. Hearing Jacob talk about his friend like that made me miss those that I left after I moved. We were supposed to keep in contact, but so far my old friends and I have barely spoken. Busy, I guess.

The cafe owner was ecstatic, immediately coming out from behind the counter, "Aidan! I was wondering when you were coming back!" He was a large, bulky man, wearing a cliché cook uniform: white gown and puffy white hat. He took his cap off as he came up to Aidan, in which they both embraced in a tight hug, patting each other on the back. As the owner stood back, he bowed to Aidan. Yet again, another person bowing.

"No need." Aidan quickly stopped him from bowing.

The owner look confused, but as he stood straight again, he saw me, looking nervous, "Why hello there! Are you accompanying Aidan?"

I smiled and nodded. Aidan began speaking, "We would just like to sit down. We'll order in a bit."

The owner gasped, "Of course! I'm Eddie, by the way. I've been runnin' this place for thirty years." He looked at me. "Please enjoy yourself!"

Aidan and I smiled. It seems like Aidan's circle is filled with generous, happy people.

Aidan motioned me to a booth in the far back corner of the cafe. There was only one other costumer here, which I'm assuming is because it's so dark out already.

I sat across from Aidan so we were face to face. He wasn't as carefree as he looked before. He now avoided my eye contact and had no smile, sitting with his hands clasped together and his head tilted down. I asked, "What's wrong?"

He looked up to my eyes, though quickly diverted away again. He forced a smile, "Nothing."

"That's obviously a lie, but I won't push." I shrugged, leaning back. He has many things I don't know about.

He had a real smile now, "I'm assuming you have questions?" His nature was serious and tense.

"Yeah. What's up with everyone bowing to you?"

He looked confused at me, "I didn't expect that sort of question. I don't know how to answer that." He looked away, though he was still confident. He looked like he regretted his answer, "It's, um, customary to do here in this town."

"Oh? So I should do it too?"

"No, no, no!" He nervously laughed. "Not many people do it."

"It seems like a lot, actually."

He had no response.

After a moment of silence, Eddie came up, handing us both a glass of water. "Figured you guys might like some sort of drink." Eddie winked then walked away.

Aidan sipped his water, less tense now, "Are you..." He paused to think for a moment, "Scared of me?" His eyes looked heartbroken. It was the same questioned Aliyah had asked me earlier today.

"I, um, no? You're just different."

He let out a small sigh of relief, though it was replaced with a different worry, "Different?"

"I guess. Something's off about you." I looked down but then I gasped, "I don't mean that badly! Just, different!"

He grinned, "I understand. I can't explain anything right now."

"So, does that mean there is something to explain?" I was frowning.

"Well, um, no." That seemed like a lie. "I can go get you a muffin, if you'd like?"

I smiled, "Sure, I'd love a muffin at 8 pm."

He grinned then walked up to the counter. I secretly stared at him as he walked away. I wasn't actually too worried about his vague answers, it felt nice to just be around him. I started to trust him more. I figured if there was something I should know, then he would tell me. That wasn't going to prevent me from asking questions though.

When he came back, he slid a chocolate chip muffin to me. He had a blueberry one, "Sorry, I didn't really come to eat. I wanted to talk."

"I figured. Me too." I bit into the warm muffin. It was possibly the best I had ever tasted. No wonder Aidan likes this place so much.

I heard Aidan mumble, "Though I didn't plan on what to say... I didn't expect to get this far."

I tried to take lead of the conversation, "How did you know my street?"

He seemed frozen, "Well, to be honest, you, err - smell like the people around there." He ran his fingers through his hair, looking delicious as he did so, "People from different places have certain scents."

I tilted my head, "You must have one good nose." All he did was laugh anxiously.

"Y'know, those guys I got into a fight with," He began, looking straight into my eyes, "What did they tell you?"

I shifted uncomfortably, "Um, they asked if I knew you."


"I said yes." I hesitated for a moment, "It was crazy, but they called you a murderer."

His face was blank. Oddly, his pupils slightly dilated, like he was enraged inside. On the outside, he was as stiff as a board. "Oh. Yeah, crazy."

He leaned back, looking heartbroken again, "Do you believe them?"

I laughed, "Pfft, you? A murderer?" I tried to ignore any fears I felt. "You're too nice."

His eyes were glowing now. "Thanks, Macy." It made me tingle to hear his voice say my name.

We ate in silence for a moment. "Why do you want to hang out with me?" I asked, feeling insecure. "I mean, a guy like you..."

"You're sweet. It feels nice being around you." He smiled, looking at my eyes. "I hope that's not creepy or anything."

I smiled back, "It's not. I feel the same."

We sat for twenty minutes, but there were no hard questions this time. Of course, I had many more suspicions, but now wasn't the time. We talked about our school schedules, friends, and hobbies.

After hanging out with him more now, I realized he isn't much of an expressive person. He's secretive about his emotions. When anyone who isn't me comes up, he looks cold and apathetic. When he looks back at me, I see his feelings again.

It was great to look at him in good lighting. Though his hair was dark, it was shiny. His eyes gave an intense stair. He was a very muscular person with hard, rigid features. I loved when he looked soft, though just as quickly as he would melt and reveal more of his emotions, it was like he would regret it and harden back up again.

In the middle of him smiling, his face became cold again. His attention was brought towards the cafe door opening. I turned around to see two large, adult guys walk in wearing business suits. Dark glasses covered their eyes, though I felt like their gaze was directly towards me.

"What time do you have to get home again" He quickly spoke to me.

"Eight thirt-"

"Time to get going then." He rushed. He slightly pulled me up by my shirt sleeve, never breaking is view on these guys who walked in. He leaned in to whisper to me, barely audible, "This may sound weird, but stand behind me and stay close."

"Is something wrong?" I whispered back with wide eyes.

"No, no. Just, um, time to go."


A/N: Please remember I haven't revised/edited these before I publish. That is something I'm planning once the book is completed.

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