Now this is rude...but hey you were warned

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So I don't use these words enough...(P.G)

Is there a wrong way to say this?

I really want a shite

A crap, a shit, a poo

Or am I in the right?

I love to say piss a lot

Not because it's rude

Just because to urinate

Sounds like growing food

Oh of course there's fuck

Or fucking fucked-up fucker

It's so fucking wonderful

The word is fucking pucker

Now don't tell your mother this

But I love that word cunt

It's lovely, it's aggressive

And it is a ladies front

And there are others that I like

Cock, twat, arse and prick

Arsehole, minge and clunge

Are simple, effective and quick

Sharp and to the point

That's how I like to curse

And somehow I have managed

To get them all in verse


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