Hit Send [Asher]

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A/N: I had a request for an Asher imagine, I still kinda have a vague idea of his personality so sorry if its OOC

You've been working with Asher at the house for a good two weeks now. You exchanged a few words from time to time, but nothing you'd call a real conversation. The editor you were close with was Anna.

You talked outside of work and even hung out on days off. It was nice to have a friend at work. Anna did tease about how you liked Asher, you'd deny it of course. You'd say that you just want to be friends. She didn't buy it.

"Come on, Y/N.... Just text him. What's the worst thing that could happen?" Anna said while you two we're playing a game of Mortal Kombat. "He can ignore my text, never talk to me again, oh and hate me completely." You answered while smashing buttons to take out Anna's character.

"Since when did you become Miss Negativity? Where's my happy little Y/N?"

"Did you just call me little?"

"Yeah... What are you gonna do about it?"

You were able to trigger the finishing move, putting Anna's character out of it's misery. "That." You said nonchalantly.

"Look, Y/N. You gotta grow some balls and text Asher." You looked down at your crotch. "I don't think that's possible." Anna rolled her eyes, but couldn't help letting out a laugh. "You know what I mean. Just think... What if he's waiting for you? Maybe he's just as scared to text you as you are with texting him."

She did have a point, you went to the menu screen and put down the controller. "Alright, I'll do it." You picked up your phone and went to contacts. "That's my girl, now go get him." Anna watched as you started to send a message.

"I'm just starting up a friendship, not arranging a marriage." You said as you pulled up the keyboard. Conflicting thoughts flooded your mind again, "What if he doesn't respond", "What if he doesn't like me?", "What if this makes me seem desperate?". Your mind became cloudy, you just stared at the blank messenger.

You could hear Anna's faint voice echo through your mind, she was saying your name over and over. You got yourself back into reality and looked at her. "What?" She pointed at your phone screen. "Look! He texted you!" Anna said, shaking you.

You eyes moved down to your phone, there it was. Asher's message. "Hey." It read. A lot of nerves were relieved, but a feeling of nervousness still lingered. "I don't know what to do..." You just stared at the message. Anna smiled softly, seeing how nervous you were. "Hey Y/N... Breathe. The worst part its over. You can just say hey back and treat it like any other conversation."

Any other conversation. Any other conversation. Breathe.

You set your phone aside, not wanting to answer right away. Anna had to leave, she wished you luck on your "Journey with Asher" and went home. Your phone was still on the coffee table with and unanswered message.

Breathe. Any other conversation.

Hitting messenger, you went into Asher's message and opened the keyboard. "Hey", you texted back. Immediately you felt a weight being lifted. Not even a minute later, you got a text back.

"What's up?"

'Was he waiting for me to answer the whole time?' You thought, as you typed up a reply.

"Nothing really, just relaxing after Anna came over."

"You invited Anna, but not me? I'm hurt."

"I'm sorrryyy, if I knew you wanted to come over then I would have invited you."

"Fair enough, but you owe me a play date."

"A play date? What are we five?"

"Yes, and I demand a play date. I'll bring my legos."

"Alright, lemme just ask my mommy if it's okay for you to come over."


"Did you just seriously text me 'otay'? 😂"

"...no not at all 😂 but in all seriousness when can we hang out? I kinda want to get to know you better and we don't really have time at work."

"Idk if this is too early for you but tomorrow is our last day off and maybe we could have our 'play date' then."

"Otay I'm bringing my legos."

"Asher I swear 😂"

"Ooo you said 'I swear' I'm telling. Kidding, but tomorrow sounds great."

"Awesome, I'll see you then."

"Can't wait."

Oh my god I have been so slow with updates, sorry if Anna is also OOC. I'll get to all your requests soon, school has made it hard to update especially when you're trying to get applications in to get first dibs on a certain class. I hope you guys enjoyed 💖

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