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I DIDN'T OPEN the door , thinking it would be Ryan again

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I DIDN'T OPEN the door , thinking it would be Ryan again.
But not after long I heard a familiar voice . "It's .. me *ek*(hiccup) Rachel .. *ek* "  the voice said.
I quickly got up wiping the tears off , heading to the main door.
I inhale a heavy , deep breath before opening the door .
I open the door .. I see no one but just hear a tump sound. I look down seeing Rachel laying on the floor. I quickly hurry and go up to her , picking her up and placing her on the couch .
" Thank u " she whined
" Yeah " I practically growled .
" Can u please pass some water " she whined yet again.
I go to the kitchen pouring a glass of water.
I walk out of the kitchen ; into the living room where Rachel was currently settled.
I give her the glass with a smile.
I go up to my room.
         After sometime~~
"I'm so bored " I groan .
I pull out my laptop after I charge my phone as it was dead.
I login the Netflix, selecting another cliché cheesy romantic movie .
After sometime my bae♥ was alive ( my phone )   I look up for any messages and calls .I see 10 missed calls ~ 5 mom and 5 dad .  Gosh I am doomed. I look up for texts see a text from mom telling ~ honey I'm sorry but the flight's cancelled and can only be exchanged by tomorrow afternoon's flight. Stay safe xD 💋
I told Mrs Williams to make the dinner for you kiddos byee ♥~~

I sigh in relief as I do not have to explain the whole situation.

I again busy myself in watching the cliché movie for like 3 hrs. The movie was nice. Then my phone rang, it was Brian . I picked it up .
" Hey " A voice said , it was a little husky
" Hey " I replied .
"Your door bell is not working " he says
" Uhh sorry wait a second I am coming " I replied with sympathy .
I open the  door and smiled warmly.
He gets inside asking me where the kitchen is.
I answer him that it's beside the living which means you gotta pass through the living room .He asks what we wanted for dinner . After i finished whining for pasta like five years old.
He chuckled at us and went to the living room.

Brian's P.O.V ~
I enter the living room seeing Rachel sleeping safe and sound.
I go near her stoking my thumb down her cheek . I see a soft smile on her face . She suddenly wakes up scaring me and herself.
She looks so adorable when scared.
After our intense staring session. We finally broke it . " Hey what do you think of ha-aning out sometime. Li-ike only you and I ?" I ask akwardly breaking the silence. I feel my cheeks heat up , waiting for an answer.
"You mean a date ? " she grinned.
"Yeah ?"  I said a shade of red flushed onto my cheeks.
" Sure thing Brian !" She said
I let out a little squeal thankfully Rachel couldn't hear . I smiled widely at her and said that I'll text her the date and time beforehand.
I made the pasta and Beth took it in her room I was serving mine and Rachel's when I felt someone hugging me for behind. I spun around to see Rachel and my lips twitched up . I leaned in.....  and kissed her . She was tensed for a few seconds but kissed back . Our lips moved in sync. I curved my arms around her waist and she gripped my torso with her legs tangled around. I slowly went down the ear lobe nibbling softly for a while.

I then kissed inch by inch on her jaw line , she let out a moan and I settle her on the counter top making myself stable beside it . I went down kissing the neck leaving a few hickies . I kiss her collarbones making her wobble at the knees. It went long until we hear a voice talking . We both panting turned out head to the kitchen door .
"Ohh my lawd ! We're y'all making babies?! Oh my virgin eyes" she squealed turning her back towards us " Get some freakin' privacy please " she let out a giggle and walked away. I turned my head towards Rachel , her face was redder than a tomato.
"It's t-hat umm.. i dont know what happened I am sorry , but don't worry " I said rubbing my thumb on her cheeks.
See nodded and sighed.
        BETH'S P.O.V~
   At midnight ~~
* Knock knock * I heard . I was still watching movies , it's 3 am ; I have school tomorrow
~ dayum~ I gotta sleep .
"Come in " I said
I saw Rachel standing with a serious expression
*This isn't the Rachel I know *
" Hey ? " She says
I snap out of my thoughts and anwser her
"Yeah ?" I said
" Don't tell mom and dad please, they don't like him " she said with a tear rolling down her cheek
"Shhh.. don't cry ". " I won't tell " I said smiling, and wiping off the tear.
"Thank you " she said
I soon dozed off with the laptop in my lap , and tears stained my cheeks.
~~~9 am ~~
I woke up after snoozing the alarm for 10 times.
" Beth ! " Rachel yelled.
" Beth ! " Rachel yelled again .
" Okay coming coming coming " I yelled back .

I let out a groan and get up from my bed . I go brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I take out a grey hoodie topping with a camo jacket ,leggings and my all time favorite white high top converse .
I take my skateboard out , shoving a toast in and skate down the streets. It was 7:58 am school starts at 8:00 am
" SHIT " I thought
I didn't notice that I was in campus until I crashed my class teacher .
" Holy shit " I murmured under my breath.
" Miss Vincent! Detention after school , be ready " she barked
" Sorry ma'am " I said making puppy eyes.
" No sorry Vincent , detention after school ! " she barked again.
I wait no longer and start running down the hallway I was late in miss Rose's class . She is going to kill me .
" Why are u late Vincent ? " She barked .
" Sorry ma'am actually I - " she cutting me off says
" No excuses , meet me after  class"
" Ok " I blur out .
I walk up to my seat with a frown plastered on my face .
Hey?! Long time no see babes😘love u sweetheart
Hope u enjoy the day and this chapter!! I worked hard and it's a 1112 words chapter ! ✔✔ Enjoy it my readers comment your thoughts and vote!
What do you think of Racan ?? 💏💏
Hope u have the best week ever!!  Abra Kadabra !!✌ ✔

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