Two Months Ago

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I looked at my reflection for the last time in the mirror

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I looked at my reflection for the last time in the mirror. I wore a long, blue dress that sparkled like diamonds in the light and my hair was braided with a ton of flowers. I HATED IT! What I would have liked to wear was a stylish pair of jeans and a black tank top but Emma and Mum totally disagreed. Although there was usually no point arguing with Mum, Dad supported me as always.

''Jo! Are you done?'' Emma shouted from downstairs, "Hurry up! Mum wants to take some photos!'' 

Emma was obsessed with fashion and was strangely able to persuade Mum to let her sew together her own dress and it was BEAUTIFUL! Her pink dress flowed at her feet and the flowers were stitched professionally under the beaded neckline.

After some exhausting posing and smiles, Mum had taken our photos and we were in Dad's car, off to the school dance.

We got there ten minutes later. I waited for Emma who was chatting with Carly and Toby about some break up between some people. I felt uncomfortable, standing outside the gym, at a school dance without a date but I was doing this for Emma. Although I would have been much happier at home.

"So... Are you going in or not?" I yelped and stumbled around to find Amy beaming up at me. A wave of relief washed over me as I hugged my best friend hard. 

"Can't... Breathe...!" she gasped and I quickly released her.

 We both laughed and she patted my back. "I'm guessing your situation was uncomfortable?" she whispered. All I could do was nod helplessly.

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