Two Months Ago

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Everything was fine. It was going well - the dancing, the food and drinks and even the atmosphere was joyful - until that blood-curdling scream. I didn't dream it. No. Everyone heard it but I was familiar with that voice - Em's voice. Sprinting towards the fire exit doors, I banged them open and spotted Emma stumbling towards me. Her dress was soaked in blood - surely not hers - and her arm dripped, a seven-inch flesh wound scarring her forearm. She looked scared - terrified. I embraced her as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"What happened? I asked, the anger inside of me making my blood boil. When I find out who did this they will certainly be in trouble!

"H-he's d-dead! It k-killed h-him! Ja-Jason!!!" and them Em burst into tears again.

"What!" I shouted, taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Instead of telling me what she had seen out there in the forest, she dragged me behind her, tears still silently streaking down her pale face. After what seemed like hours, Emma abruptly stopped and I realized just too late as I crashed into her from behind. However she did not react to the unexpected connection. Just stared forward as a new layer of moist tears brimmed her recently dried eyes. Her shaky finger pointed towards the bush she and I were standing behind. I stepped in front of her, wondering what I was about to see...

Jason lay on the ground (blood everywhere) looking like a lifeless fish that had just been gutted - literally. It looked as though his skin had been torn apart like a piece of paper. His organs were punctured, spouting of blood however the most morbid sight was his ribcage. All the bones were smashed and veins pointed in all directions pouring blood. All this yet his body was missing something. Something vital...

His heart.

I bit down on my hand hard, silencing the horrified scream I was about to release and stumbled backwards. Emma caught me from behind and rapidly shut her eyes as I had just revealed her boyfriend's horrific murder once again.

I yanked her into my arms and hugged her hard. How could this have happened? Who could have done this?

"Tell me everything!" I whispered shakily, stroking her hair, "EVERYTHING!" I led her to a large rock, away from the gruesome display of blood, as she began telling me how Jason had died. 

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