Two Months Ago - Emma

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I was so happy! Being alone with him felt amazing. we had sneaked out of the dance to be alone for awhile. When Jason suggested this, a thrilling shiver ran up my spine. We had been together for one and a half years and he always displayed some crazy romantic... thing for me every week. I loved him so much...

"So... Why have you brought me out here?" I asked, hoping that I didn't sound too desperately excited.

"Well, it's a surprise you know nothing about so stop asking questions!" He said as he kissed me.

"Okay..." I murmured breathlessly. I was getting more and more curious as he pulled me further into the woods. Jason put a hand over my eyes and the other on my waist as he guided me forward. I walked with him whilst he whispered directions into my ear. I trusted him with all my heart and knew he would never let me get hurt. Even if we were in Hell, Jason would guide me and protect me.

"We're here!" Jason announced proudly, smiling broadly. I loved his smile. But I never knew that it would be his last...

A crazed beast came in view. It was horrific! Blood seeped down its dress and its hair flowed behind it dripping black...poison? Whatever it was, it was magnificent! In a scary kind of way.

I was glued to my place until Jason dragged me behind a rock with him. Unfortunately it was too late as the monster had spotted me and was swiftly gliding towards us, licking its bleeding lips. It screeched the words "Human Blood!" over and over again and was instantly behind us. It reached out for me, ready to eat its meal but Jason shoved me out of the way. I ended up with a grazed arm but Jason was in the arms of the beast unconscious. I bolted over to the trees and lifted a large stick, ready to save my boyfriend and knock that crazy monster on its head.

It saw me from the corner of its eye and with a flick of its wrist, I was sent flying back, writhing in pain. The last thing I saw was Jason being torn apart before passing out...

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