Two Months Ago

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I silently watched a tear roll down her cheek and land onto the wound on her arm. I must have been really painful but Em stayed motionless, eyeing me closely. I knew she was waiting for some sort of reaction but I didn't want my emotions to slip free and show her that i thought she might have gone kind of insane from the traumatic experience so I kept quiet.

"Do you think it will come back?" Emma asked, the fear returning to her heart, "Shouldn't we tell the police or something...?!" I could sense the panic rising so I calmed her and sat her down on the rock.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea... I mean will the police... believe you?" I regretted saying that the second it came out of my mouth. Emma's saddened eyes instantly left and was replaced with a fiery boiling anger.

"How could you?" she screamed, "My boyfriend was shredded to pieces by some crazy monster! You saw it yourself yet you don't believe me!!!". I stumbled back - I guess she was pretty angry with me - falling onto the rocks behind me. 

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