Two Months Ago

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Tears blurred my vision, as I lifted myself up from the jagged rocks beneath me but Emma was already leaving, storming off in the opposite direction. 

I tried to call out to her but my shouts were masked by a deep grumbling from beneath us. The ground tilted slightly and I lost my balance, tumbling sideways. I lifted my head and saw Emma steadily walking away, never looking back. 

A ball of fire erupted from the ground, flying into the navy sky. I covered my burning eyes, seeing black spots. It illuminated the entire woods, frozen in the middle of the sky. The white ball began to melt, oozing over some kind of invisible shield. It shimmered and sparkled like liquid gold and the further it spread, the more I wanted - needed -  to touch it. I pulled myself off of the ground, striding forward - confident but terrified - and totally awestruck. It was beautiful and enchanting and I never wanted to break whatever spell I was under. 

I noticed Emma suddenly beside me, trying to hold me back. She was calling out to me - I could tell by her moving lips - but I couldn't hear a thing. I shook her off and picked up my pace, urging myself to keep on moving.

A perfect circle had formed from the glowing, fiery liquid. The circle lowered, increasing in speed and when it came in contact with the trees, it shot down like a bullet. The force threw me back, slamming me into a tree and the spell was broken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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