Chapter 4: Toms POV

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I drove all day to get to Doug on time. Danny told me he was in a coma, He better be ok! I eventually burst into the hospital and a nice nurse directed me to Dougies room.

Danny sat there in tears holding Dougies still hand. I just wanted to tear the needles out of his now thin body and give him a huge hug and tell him everything will be ok.

'His hand moved earlier..' Danny cried quietly to me

'Mate, he'll be ok' I said quietly as I fell into tears.

I sat on the other side of Dougie and held his pale hand. I watched the blood slowly drip into the needle into his body. His hand squeezed mine. Gently.

'Dougie... Are you ok?' I cried into his chest.

He let out a small groan and gradually opened his eyes.

'Dougie, your ok!' Danny whispered into his boney hand.

'I love you guys...' Dougie cried out.

I could see he just wanted to get up but the wires and needles stopped him. I could see the excruciating pain he was in from all the needles in his arms. Don't the nurses know he's scared of blood and needles?

Danny stood in front of the package of his blood to stop little Douglas passing out again. I reached to the side and pushed the button to call for a nurse to come and tend to my baba.

'Great to see your awake Dougie' she said as she walked in.

'Can you get rid of all my pain?' Dougie asked wishing as tears fell down his cheek.

'Ill try my best for you sweetheart'

I texted Harry telling him that Dougie was awake. He still wasn't happy, he wanted to see Doug.

'We're taking Dougie off for a CT scan to check there is no damage to his skull or brain' the nurse informed us

'Umm I don't think I have a brain...' Dougie suddenly pipped up and left us all reassured he would be ok. About two hours later Dougie returned looking rather confused though the nurse informed us

'He had to have emergency surgery, he might be a but confused for a while'

He laid still staring up at me in need of help. By this time Danny had gone home to get some dinner.

'Tom.. Please help.. Please' he begged me.

I reached out and grabbed his even more pale hand.

'Can we just run away, please tom, run away from Harry' I stayed with him for about 3 hours when he gradually became less confused

'Do you really want to leave the band?' I asked

'Yes, I don't want to be around Harry anymore, I only want to be with...'

Love mcfly1D

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