chapter 1

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I woke up by the ringing of my alarm. 6:30

Shit first day of school after 6 weeks of summer holidays. Not that I don't like school, okey sometimes I hate school even though I believe everyone has these moments where he just hates school. I don't like school because I have to get up so early. I hate to get up early my mother says when the third world war would starts, I wouldn't notice it and just keep sleeping.

Nevertheless, I missed my friends Simon my best friend was the last 4 weeks in France and Italy. Maia a good friend was also the whole summer holidays in Germany and her boyfriend Jordan was in California. Only I was nowhere, I was never abroad. For what reasons my mother was strictly against to drive somewhere far away from New York . Oh yes and not to forget my best friend Diana Branwal to my luck she is also nowhere driven for the same reason. Her mother is just as much a freak as my mother.

Perhaps it is because her and my mother are related. Diana's mother is the cousin of my mother so Diana and I are related, she is like my sister. Only that she is almost 9 months older than me and in my eyes also a lot more handsome than I am . Not just in my eyes almost all the guys are running after her but Diana doesn't pay attention to them. Diana has long chocolate brown hair actually her hair is naturally dark blond but she has dyed it and now she looks more dangerous, more beautiful and she resembles her mother much more. With dark blond hair, she looked innocent and sweet, and that is why she dyed her hair. She has beautiful gray / blue and bit green eyes, you can't describe her eyes color more accurate and she is slim .

The only thing we have at once is the same lip shape, the size and our love for art.

Diana is athletic she loves to dance. She is the captain of the cheerleader team but she loves hip hop too. She is small as I am but strong. Of course I can't say I am unsporting. Diana and I are both much faster and quicker than the others, which has always wounded me.

I still have an older, fat-headed and self-in love brother his name is Jonathen. He is 18 a year older than me and 4 months older than Diana. Diana and Jonathan have a real sibling relationship to each other like real siblings, they argue very often and make fun of each other. I understand Diana I will kill my brother sometimes.

We live together in a two-storey house. Diana and her mother live upstairs and we downstairs. Our fathers died in a car accident. I was two years old and Diana two and a half, Jon was three. None of us can remember them, and our mothers have very few photos which they also reluctantly show us. They don't want to talk about it and so we don't ask. This is my crazy and not big family. We have no contact with the other relatives. For me there were only the four and my friends in my life.

After a quick shower, I have dried my hair quickly and put some mascara, powder and eyliner, I went back to my room and dressed my clothes. A white t-shirt with inscription, a dark blue jeans and my sweater nothing special. Then I went to breakfast " good morning sunshine" my mother has called me smiling " morning " I said back. "Nothing is good on this morning" My brother came from behind with a tired and annoyed look.

"Oh come on Jonathan stop to be so bad mood" my mom nodded. "Just because you don't want to drive your sister and your cousin to school" said my mother. "This has nothing to do with it, I just have no desire to go to school. Not more." He replied quickly.

My mother rolled her eyes and turned to me

"And are you looking forward to school or do you have exactly the same problem as your brother?" She asked me." Yes, I missed the others and am glad to see them again." I answered and smiled briefly. "good" my mother answered with a satisfied smile.

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