chapter 2

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My alarm clock rings and already I have no desire to school. Please give me 10 minutes to sleep please . But of course I don't get the chance to sleep longer because as always there is still my mother " Diana wake up or you are late for school" my mother has gone to my room "only 10 minutes mum please" I muttered her back. "Diana Marina Branwal if you don't get up now I -" this time almost fell off the bed "okey I stand up " I've interrupted her. Please kill me pleeasee.

I went to the bathroom quickly afterwards make up and as always comes the question what should I wear? In the end I decided for a black crop top which shows my belly bit, torn jeans and my jeans jacket. This time I left my hair open and curly. Actually, I don't use much make up just mascara , eyliner and lip balm and concelar. After I finished I went to breakfast.

"So darling Jon drives you and Clary to school " said my mother "Jon? our Jon? What happened to him that he make it voluntary. Or wait he doesn't make it voluntary right?" I asked my mother wondered. "Since he got his driver's license and went anyway in the same direction , we decided with Jocelyn that he takes you both with to school." She smiled at me and I know what this smile means. "As I think Jon wasn't happy about it" I asked her and started to grin because I know the answer I know Jonathan very well. "No, he hadn't a choice" She grinned. My mother Christin Branwal is beautiful she has short brown hair, blue gray eyes and beautiful artist hands as well as Jocelyn my aunt. My mother is funny and understandable she is always there for me, she is like a bestfriend of course sometimes we argue but I still love her very much. She is always afraid of me and is too caring.

After breakfast, I grabbed my bag and cell phone ,got my sneakers dressed and kissed my mother on the cheek " Bye mum" I said quickly "Bye honey be careful and have fun" my mother answered.

I nodded and went out downstairs.

of course, my mother is worried about me like any other mother, but she always wants to protect me , as if she knows I am in danger and every second I could be attacked by someone. However, sometimes I feel observed that has always been this feeling. Maybe I just go through and imagine myself.

I know that my mother is not the only one that is so protective. Jocelyn is the same with Clary actually they are both so to us and to Jon , what sometimes annoys us very much. Jon and Clary are like my siblings we protect each other so I often take the role of the big sister for Clary.

Earlier in school Clary often had problems with a few other students, but I stood up to her and defended her from everyone. I would kill anyone who only once touched her or just looked at her wrongly.

Hope you like it

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