chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Watching her as she wakes up as her red beautiful hair lies on her face, and her green eyes widen from the waking up makes me feel crazy. Crazy because I want to run to her. I wish I was there right now with her and I would lie with her and waking up with her see her from close.

"You're still here? you know very well that today is our first day of school" Alec stood behind me and stopped me as I watched.

"Of course I didn't forget it" I turned around and looked at Alec. "And what are you doing here so early ?you and Stefan are just crazy stalker you knew that already?" He asked me and looked annoyed. "I know. Thanks. I just wanted to see if everything is okay." I smirked "And that is why you have gone second." He has rolled his eyes. "You can never be careful enough. Of course, I could kill hundreds of demons alone, but it makes more fun for two". I smirked at him. "Ooh please! Who are you lying to? Like I'd believe you. Just say that you both have crush into the two." He rolled his eyes.

"What? nooo... We only do our work" I tried to sound believable. He looked at me incredulously, raising his eyebrows. "Where is Stefan?" I have tried to change the topic but which has brought nothing. Damm Alec Lightwood he always knows when I lie. "He's up on the roof he said he got from there a better view of Diana's room. I told you, you are both perverse stalker" I rolled my eyes.

Stefan is my cousin and also a Herondale. He also lives with me in the institute for five years. His mother my aunt died, she had cancer. His father is always on the road in Idris, so Stefan was grown up just like me by the Lightwoods. Stefan is like a brother to me and as Alec said he is completely in love with Diana Branwal. It's funny we both enjoy to take care of the girls. They are both very strong and important to us. They are our only chance to defeat Valentin and his army.

When I went up to the roof, Alec and Stefan were already there. "Well, are you excited guys It's our very first day in a mundi school" I asked ironically Stefan grinned at me "Of course I was never happier in my life than today. As I see you are glad too" he smirked

"Oh you Herondales are just crazy. You are definitely looking forward to seeing your sweet girls every day" Alec said it amused.

"Oh and you're not happy because you'll finally see your sweet glittery boyfriend every day" I said and in the same moment Stefan and I started laughing. "Haha at least my boyfriend knows how I look and who he and I am" And in the meantime we have stopped laughing and Alec has started to grin proudly. "When can we tell them they have to start training soon" Stefan asked as if he could read my thoughts. "I do not know exactly, we have to talk to their mothers, I hope we can tell them soon" Alec answered

"We hope so too" I said to them. I hope it will happen soon the sooner the better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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