New Hero on the Block?

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So, maybe this morning wasn't the best time to break out the cape and help National City out. I just didn't see Kar-Supergirl anywhere, so I took it upon myself to help out. It was just a simple bank robbery, no big deal. At least it wasn't until I realized the robbers weren't human. All-in-all it was fine. Supergirl showed up and we kicked butt. She may have questioned who I was at the end, but I flew away the moment she got distracted by the DEO.

I take a deep breath as I step into the elevator. Just before the door closes, someone puts their hand in its way causing it to open again. I watch as the blonde gets in and the door closes.

"Good morning, Kara."


"So, you seem like you've had an eventful morning so far."

Her head snaps toward me, "What-I uh-No. Just a normal morning."

The elevator dings, "Oh, Hun, there are no normal mornings in the life of Kara Danvers," I smirk at her and step out of the elevator and she follows.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I ignore her and walk into James' office, "Morning, Mr. Olsen. Your meeting with Pierre Johnson is still set to take place over lunch at 2. And Mrs. Hamilton had to be canceled she says she's sorry, but her son broke  his arm and she had to take him to the hospital. And you told me to remind you to set up and interview with Supergirl for Kara."

I chuckle a bit, "Yeah. So there's that."

"Thank you, Y/N."

I nod and turn toward Kara, "Don't get into too much trouble now, Kara."

I go and sit at my desk and steal a glance at the blonde in the room next to mine. Oh Kara, you get flustered so easy. I chuckle and get back to work.

Kara's POV-

I watch Y/N walk away then turn to James, "She knows something, James. She has too. I mean, look at the way she acts."

"I think you're over-reacting. She doesn't know who you are Kara. It'll be fine."

"You're just saying that because you like her."

"Not exactly in the way that you think. I do like her, but as a friend and she's really good at her job. And even if I did, it wouldn't work considering she doesn't like men."

"Oh. Well, that doesn't take away from the fact that she knows something."

He sighs at my words, "Kara, Y/N doesn't know anything. How could she? She's always working," He looks up, "except for now. Who knows? Maybe you are suspicious because she's kinda just like you. Good intern, shy, yet also sarcastic and sassy when she's comfortable."

I take a deep breath and think about what he said. Maybe he's right. She is a lot like me, "Ok, maybe you're right. But-"

"Kara, just give her a chance. Maybe invite her to game night when she gets back from where ever it is she went... huh, she never really disappears like this."

I scoff, "You want me to invite a complete stranger to game night?"

"But she's not a complete stranger, Kara. She's friends with me, she's good friends with Winn, Mon-El seems to like her, and she even gets along with your sister."

"Ok, fine. I'll ask her. You're lucky we're friends."

"Perfect, because she just came back. Go get 'er."

I roll my eyes and walk to Y/N's desk reluctantly, "Hey Y/N."

She doesn't react, in fact she seems to be focusing hard on something. Without realizing it, I have begun to study her features. She is really beautiful actually. Has a defined jawline, clear skin, her Y/C/Eyes are breath-taking in a way I guess I never noticed before, and I know if someone were to make her laugh, she'd be displaying the world's brightest smile, an- Wait a minute! What am I doing? I clear my throat, "Y/N," I say with a little force.

She snaps back to reality, in a kind of cute way, "What? Oh. Hey, Kara. What can I do for you?"

There's that smile, I blink and shake my head a bit to clear my thoughts, "Um, a couple friends and I are having a game night tonight. I know you're still kind of new to the area and-"

"Kinda like a late 'Welcome to National City' type thing?"

"Yeah," I smile at the title, "Something like that."

"You sure Winn and them won't mind," She rubs the back of her neck nervously.

"I'm sure. I bet they'd actually love to have you there."

She looks at me a bit nervous, "What about you..?"

I was kind of taken back by the question, "I.. uh-"

Her facial expression kinda falls, "Kara, it's ok. I get it. I'm new. Maybe even invading on your space a little. I get it. You're ok. Your friends first, right," I look down because it's like she read my mind, "Um.. anyway, I have to run this by editing quick. Enjoy the rest of your day, Kara."

~Author's Note~

Got I new request. I hope I did it justice. Feel free to comment. Stay Free.

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