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The sounds of sirens make us pull away from each other. Finally taking in the scene in front if me. We somehow ended up on the couch with Kara was straddling my legs. Both of us out of breath, we look into each others' eyes. A smile present on both of our faces. I chuckle a bit, "Maybe we should get that."

"Yeah, probably."

With that, we both bolted off towards the sirens. Quickly we realize that they were heading to L-Corp. I roll my eyes, of course they are, when isn't Lena targeted somehow? I see Lena standing on her balcony with three men with guns pointed at her. One lunges at her and she flinches back. Unfortunately, that knocks her balance off and she falls off the balcony. I fly as fast as I can and catch her just before she hits the ground. I hold her tight, but not too tight, and turn over on my back as we skid across the ground. I sigh in relief when we stop. I look up to Lena, "You ok?"

"Yes, thanks to you."

We both stand up and dust ourselves off, just as Kara lands next to us. I smile at her, "You take care of the guys up stairs already?"

She smiles triumphantly, "And all in record time. But one of them mentioned another spot being looted outside the city. We should get going, "she looks to Lena, "Are you alright now?"

"Yes, thanks to your friend here."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. But Supergirl and I should be going. Please try to stay safe."

"I make no promises."

Kara nods and we head toward the new location. Its an abandoned building. That's odd, what could be looted here?

"Didn't you say they were looting? What is there to find here?"

I turn to Kara to see her being held with a gun to her head and the bullets are my least favorite stone. I panic and go to move towards her, but a voice stops me, "Move and she'll be dead before you can blink."

I turn to see a woman who instantly infuriates me, "Lillian."

"Oh, I see you've already been warned about me. Flattering. Now, I'm going to tell you whats going to happen. I am going to leave with Supergirl without any fuss, and you will leave. Or, try and stop me, and end up with a dead Super on your hands. You pick, honestly either one works for me."

Lillian you little piece of shit. I couldn't let the woman I love get capture and/or killed. She cant do this, I have no choice. I give a cold emotionless stare, "Or option three."

"And what would that be?"

"You let her go. And take me instead. Besides for your son's vengeance, why does the alien you take have to be a Super? I'll go willingly, without a fight. Think about it, you know nothing about me. Where I'm from, what I am, what I know. Nothing. Take me, let Supergirl go."

She smirks as though she's won something, "I was hoping for a bargain as such," She turns to the man holding Kara, "Let the Kryptonian go, we've got who we came for."

So, she was actually after me. I look toward Kara and she starts yelling for me not to go. Lillian gave me Kryptonite cuffs and told me to cuff her so she wont follow. I just nod my head and take the cuffs. As I cuff Kara, I look into her eyes, "I'm sorry."

Then I pull out a small tracker and set it next to her, "This will send out a signal to the DEO for help. Take care of yourself, Supergirl. Give everyone my goodbyes and tell them I wish them well."

I stand up and notice a tear roll down her cheek, "Y/h/n, don't do this. You don't know what they'll do to you."

"I know. But I also know what they'd do to you, and that's much worse," I walk towards Lillian and get in an aircraft of some sort and turn to see Kara one last time and whisper, "Goodbye, Kara."

The doors shut and Lillian tells me to sit. Once I sit silence takes over the craft. All I can do is pray to any and all gods that I'll see Kara again.

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