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"So, we've got a crazy a crazy alien scientist guy coming to Earth with an army of his own experiments," Clark asks. He got here shortly after Kara called him before she left.

Ki nods,"Yes. Xanja is here for one reason. And he'll do everything he can in able to get Y/n. And if he does, who knows what all he'll make her do once she's under his control."

They continue to talk and I excuse myself from the table and go to the window to think. I've always done that, it helps me separate from the room. Ki's right. If Xenja got control of me, who knows what will happen. I don't know what all DNA I have in me, but he does. He'll know what all I'm capable of. If that happens, there's gotta be a way to stop me. Before I can think too much about it, a portal shows up in the middle of the room. I jump out of surprise, but everyone else just turns to it to see people come out. I don't recognize any of them, but everyone else seems ok with it. The last one out is Kara and exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding. She makes her way to the table, "Ok, so we don't have everyone, but we have more than before. Which is good. I guess I should start with introduct- Where's Y/h/n?"

I walk up to the table, "Right here. Quite the group you've gathered, Ka-Supergirl."

"It's ok. Everyone here knows who I am."

"oh. Well, anyways, who's who?"

"First off, Team Super," She points as she names off who is who, "Clark,"

"Superman," He adds.



"Mon-El. Chextin. Ki-Lu. Alex. Maggie. Jonn. Winn. And Y/h/n."

"What, no secret identity," A guy with a rough voice asks me.

"Not really a first name basis type gal."

"Anyways. Team Arrow, we have Oliver, Dig, and Felicity. Also known as..." She let's them say they're hero names.

"Green Arrow."



"For Team Legends there is Amaya, Ray, Nathan, Mick, and Sara."




"Heat wave."

"White Canary. Zari, Wally, and Ava stayed back to keep an eye on a prisoner we have who snuck on the ship."

"Finally, Team Flash is Barry, Iris, Caitlin, and Cisco."


"Killer Frost."


I look around the room and go over the names again in my head. Our numbers are up, but will it be enough.

"As long as we're doing introductions," I voice from the doorway said as she walked towards the group, "Lucy Lane."

"Glad you could make it Lucy. Sorry for the short notice," Alex says.

"Well, when the fate of the world comes into play, it kinda gets pushed to top priority. Now, I believe there's some planning to be done."

Everyone starts talking strategies and solutions. Lucy apparently has military connections, which is a definite plus. Winn, Felicity, Cisco, Caitlin, and Iris had grouped off on their own and eventually left the room. Felicity was talking to Winn about something on their way out and Winn looked so happy and so invested in what she was saying. The conversation starts to take a darker turn when Oliver asks what are plan is if things turn for the worst and I'm compromised.

"That won't happen," Kara says with a small amount of aggression.

"Well, of course we don't want it to, but the possibility is still very much there, Kara," Alex says.

"I won't let it."

Sara steps in, "Oliver is right. We have to be prepared if the worse thing happens."

"We would end up having an enemy, who's not only a friend, but would have more abilities than we know," Ray adds.

"So, should we be prepared if we have to take her out," Mick asks.

Kara's head whips towards him, "Ho-"

"Mick's right," I interrupt her comment before it could escape her mouth.

"What," her voice comes out sharp.

I take a breath and stand up straight, "We should be prepared for that possibility. And everyone else is right too. Look, we don't know what Xanja has up his sleeve. We should be prepared if I end up under his control. Just as a precaution, we should train to prepare for it. And we have maybe a few days tops before he gets here."

I watch as she shakes her head then look down taking a deep breath. The others continue to talk about when to train, but I can't pay attention to them while Kara is so down.

"Hey, guys," I say causing me to interrupt Clark, "Can I talk to Kara alone?"

Everyone is quiet and they look around then at me.

"We're kind of in the middle of planning," Dig states.

"Well, you guys can keep planning. Alex can fill me in when we get back. Kara and I can fly somewhere and talk. There's something I need to tell her."

I look at Alex and Maggie as a cry for help. Maggie nods, "Yeah. We should be fine, right babe? We can fill them in later."

Alex nods, "Yeah, go ahead. We'll catch up."

I look to Kara and she just looks confuse, but follows me to the balcony and we take off. She follows me to my apartment building. We make it inside, but there's just silence. After a few minutes of us just standing there, I break the silence, "I guess we should talk."


"Because of what cou-"

"Not that. Why would you agree with them about it being ok to kill you?"

"Because, Kara, if Xanja gets control of me, this world would become his. Then who knows how many others? My one life isn't worth the billions of others."

"I get that, logically I get that. I just-It's just different for me. I just got you back. And now... now I'm just supposed to accept that you could die in a few days?"

"I don't like the thought of it either. But we have to consider it. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave everyone. And I most certainly don't want to leave you. But I love you and I need to protect you."

"You what?

"Yes, I know you don't NEED to be protected. But I-"

"Y/n, that's not the part I was talking about."

I stop and look at her with a confused look on my face and replay my words. It takes me a second, but then it hits me. Did I really say that? I mean it full heartedly, but I wasn't expecting it to come out like this. My eyes meet hers and notice she's waiting for me to say something. I clear my throat nervously, "I love you. And I know, trust me I know, it's not the best time for it to be sprung on you. But I mean it. And I don't want you to be pressured to say it. I'd only want you to if you're ready. And, wow, this conversation took an unexpected turn."

She laughs a bit then smiles at me, "You ramble."

She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck, "As much as I don't like the thought of worst case scenario, it IS a possibility. And the world may end or whatever would happen. But can we not talk about that right now. Because right now, I want to spend a few moments focusing on the woman I love and acting like there's nothing else."

My heart takes full control and I push a quick kiss to her lips, "I think we can agree on that for now."

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